finally...the truth revealed!

The Leo character: Leos have an irritating smug aloofness and deal with everyone in a high handed manner. To them everyone is inferior. They are the Prima Donnas of the zodiac, hog the limelight and expect praise and admiration from every quarter. They are masters at speaking in condescending tones and catty remarks. However these self-centred individuals can be easily deceived by flattery because they believe everything good said about them. They like to hurt small dogs. Their best career is as a royal personage but most end up managing people who they treat like serfs.
The Leo Lover: A Leo will love you if you're sycophantic and servile. If you want to keep their attention you must praise them continually. They enjoy punishing you.
Ruler: The Sun, symbol of the Ego.
Keynotes: Arrogant and conceited but can be hoodwinked by flattery.
Lucky material: Gold and anything that makes coinage.