"Some men ARE the perfect package as far as looks, tool, charming behavior. IMO, those men should never get married but remain out here single bachelors for all women to enjoy." LOL I agree because, lately, I'm having a hard time finding one to enjoy about the rest..... No, I know it's easy to say, leave, stop loving him etc.... precisely the reason you don't even go there to begin with. It's disrespectful to the other woman, it's disrespectful to yourself! Why get involved with someone you have to share? I don't mind sharing a lot of things but a man will never be one of those Why get involved with someone who lies to you constantly in order to live his double life? And who wins? He does.... he already has the marriage that most mistresses will eventually come to want from him that he can't or won't be willing to provide & he has the little side fling that he'll eventually get tired of (when she starts whining about wanting more) & he'll move on to another. I just wouldn't even participate, none of it sounds appealing to me