Capricorn man ignorning me after lying to me

Yes they don't know how to take compliments and he never gave me any except the first two days after I met him. He said I had a lot back their to hold when he held me and squeezed my butt. He also said I looked alot younger than my age but that was about it as far as compliments. He looked at me with those eyes that told me he liked what he saw me but he wouldn't say much. He said we are both attracted to each other and their is no reason to wait to have sex. I wanted to wait but he wanted to rush into it. I gave into him too soon. He was all gunhoe in the beginning and than he just seemed to lose interest in me. What is wrong with him. I will never figure it out. He never got real with me like you said. I wanted to talk but you can see he treated me like the plague or a germ standing at his door when I saw him yesterday. I took off all his phone numbers voice mails text messages and everything with his number on my cell phone today. That will keep me from calling him or texting him. It was painful because I had saved every call he made to me. I think it's best to take him out of my head for good now. It is best this way for my own health.