Inconsistency does he like me or not

Posted by Metatron
Posted by megand

Update: I felt like I was giving in too much into wanting to see him and eager to text him. So I used my business trip as a way to go silent for 5 days. In those days I was hoping he's text back. He didn't! I eventually gave in and sent a text he responded with enthusiasm but after responding back he went silent.

What I got from that was maybe he didn't realize who he was responding to and after he did. Just decided to ignore. My thing is why the game and ghosting? After showing all this interest?

Just be direct and ask him whatever you want to one here can do anything but speculate on matters like this....on Taurus time, 5 days is like 5 seconds....
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*on Taurus time, 5 days is like 5 seconds....* lol, i like that