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Dec 04, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 179 · Topics: 48
Now lets not get it twisted peole not every leo is like that.Take me for example.Its only been like once or twice that maybe i felt infatuated with someone but not everyone i date.They have to have that special thing about them and if they got it its a wrap.But just as fast as we can fall in love we can easily fall out.Some leo's hardly ever fall in love especially the ones who got hurt.Those are the dangerous leo's the ones whom are on the prowl real talk
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Jul 09, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15279 · Topics: 125
p-f e already answered that question. because what kind of a reaction are we going to get from something that isn't even alive? maybe an iota.
and why would he need to use papier mache when the dog was starving on the streets? i guarantee the dog was in that condition long before the exhibit.
i don't know if he fed the dog, but if he did i really don't see the problem with it.
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Oct 29, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 335 · Topics: 19
No its actually something i've heard from everyone, granted im saying it now, but its not something i havent heard about her. i defend my friends when they need defending, right or wrong. the reason i kno she hasnt stopped being my friend is because shes always there for me when i need her and vice versa. I was there when she was happi they went on a mini vacay, i was there when she said how mean he was over her need for attention. i was there when she had shit with her mom, i was there when they were on good times, we were both there backing my other libra gf up when her ex was verbally attacking her. we've always had each others back since the day we met.
you cant say you havent been mad at ur friend or ever wanted to wack them to figure out why they did the dumb thing they did. regardless if it was to another person, to themselves or to you. yea my birthdays on a saturday, whats ur point? fine its the weekend... theres 2 days in a weekend, and this main topic was about that txt i had gotten that made me think she'd forgotten me. its not about being jealous its about feeling like my best friend let me down. in an instant what else could i feel in a moment. and yea i needed to vent, so whats wrong with that?
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Aug 31, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 10616 · Topics: 40
Xun it's okay if you disagree with me or with anyone here because I believe partially thats what the exhibit is all about, it's about getting people to explore what they feel and explore what they believe is wrong and right and do something about inhumane treatment towards life.
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Jul 09, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15279 · Topics: 125
he hasn't confirmed or denied whether the dog died. the owner of the museum claimed that it escaped.
I can't stand Aries men at all, they're always ready for a fight.
For the most part I don't like Virgos, I have known many of them over the years and have all done something to make me bitter towards them. On the upside I briefly dated a very laid back Virgo who didn't manage to piss me off in less than five minutes, that was a first.
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Jan 14, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 1233 · Topics: 77
that's the problem that i'm facing: i'm not sure if he's the"one" at this point but there is a potential. in my experience i've meet 2 men who i thought were the one and they ended up being the worst thing for me. as of now i don't have another man so i guess i don't have to choose. if i'll meet someone else meanwhile then i'll make my decision.
i had situations when we were fwb and this feels and plays out totally different. i know that pushing and having talks doesn't work. men tried it on me and i wound't do to a man. i believe things have to develop naturally and takes time to know whether or not it a real thing. anyways, i read that the first 4-6 months are totally sex hormone stage of any relationship. then it naturally wears off and then you both see if there is more to the 2 of you. i think that makes sense. the sex thing between us is still good but slow down a bit in intensity but we still together. i guess i'm at the crossroads of waiting and seeing now. just being totally vulnerable now.
funny, any time i get one of those doubt thing out of nowhere he calls/texts something really nice. it's like he has a 6th sense about that.