Receiving Karma From Having An Extramarital Affair

The best example I have ever seen of karma in action from an extramarital affair was this: married guy I know from high school started messing around with a a gal he met on the job. They got very close and rumor was he planned on leaving his wife and kids for this new coworker. Well, she developed a case of Bells Paulsy, that facial paralysis disease where the entire side of her face lost definition and drooped down.
If thats not a clear example of karma, then I dont know what is.
Oh heres another one. Local businessman I know got involved with another woman while he was married with kids. He ends up leaving the wife for this new woman. She was succesfull herself and had alot of money. Well, apparently his business was having some financial problems, and the new girl had agreed to invest some of her money into his business to help save it. Unfortunately, she died in a car crash before they got married!! The business got bought out and he hasnt been heard from!