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Mar 18, 2006Comments: 2 · Posts: 23862 · Topics: 499
Okay ... how does this sound ...
This is him:
Sun: Leo/ Virgo cusp
Moon: Pisces/Aries cusp
Mercury: Leo
Mars: Scorpio (AHHHH !!!!!)
Venus: Virgo
Jupiter: Leo
Signed Up:
Mar 18, 2006Comments: 2 · Posts: 23862 · Topics: 499
Well, I do recall that you had a brief encounter with a certain Virgoan dxp'er...?
Yes CapGirl, but Brahn and I are friends, so he doesn't count as a shit head LOL
Let her know that you are interested, but let her make the first move! Give her a good chase, let her win you, but not too fast. Do give her some encouragement to chase you along the way, because an aries woman generally wants someone who is just as aggressive as she is to challenge her. Trust me if she likes you, she'll be too busy trying to figure out how to get in your pants to give you the cold shoulder. Also check out geminifox's posts about aries.
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Mar 18, 2006Comments: 2 · Posts: 23862 · Topics: 499
Moon: Pisces/ Aries cusp
Mars: Scorpio
Venus: Virgo
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Mar 18, 2006Comments: 2 · Posts: 23862 · Topics: 499
I just copied this! The Lib is closing so I have to run but I will post my opinion first thing tomorrow!
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Nov 30, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 1327 · Topics: 32
Bring your prairie dawg into work one day and have her bite him! That'll setle the score once and for all LOL. Ive never seen one of those as a pet before. Did you domesticate her or get from a breeder? Cute little thing
About the work situation. I've literally wanted to fire people I despised them so much, but couldnt for various reasons. Guess sometimes you just gotta put your big girl panties on and suck it up? If you work with him, best to just make nice. I wouldnt consider that being fake, but rather being conventional. In the workforce, its always going to be an issue working alongside people you dont like. .