Signed Up: Feb 19, 2005 Comments: 1 · Posts: 4444 · Topics: 44
"It seems you first said that Pisces talk about themselves all the time, and that makes them seem insecure (uh, don't insecure people talk BADLY about themselves? people with good self-image talk positively about themselves)." Oh dear, is someone complaining that they've come to a message board entitled "Pisces" only to find the topic of discussion is...PISCES? GOOD GOD, MAN! Something must be done! It's spread to the other boards as well! Taureans are talking about Taureans! Scorpios are talking about Scorpios! Cancers are talking about Cancers! This must be stopped at once! A visit from Mr. Obvious would also be quite helpful. I swear, everyday my faith in the average I.Q. of the populous decreases at an alarming rate.