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Jul 11, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 3318 · Topics: 123
Doormat is pushing it a WHEE bit doncha think P? lol
I'll say this: Yes, I'm HELLIFYINGLY faithful, and emotional, so if you're a lightweight in terms of beliefs, emotions, or relationships don't bother me.... I won't hold onto a person if they want to leave (I've noticed with just us 'm' crested signs that we possess the power of contradiction) or if they're're free to go, and I won't stop you, you're big enough to make up your mind, so don't waste MY time with your indecisiveness....I can't STAND people who dosen't know what they want and leave me danglin' on a rope: save it for someone less convicted. I feel too strongly about things to just wait in the abstract about something I'm CERTAIN about moving forward towards.
I never knew that determination was such a fault....If I wasn't so stuck on my ways, I can garuntee that I wouldn't have the back bone I have now...hey, when you're passionate, and believe in something it's hard to let go, but I can say I'm always mindful of the other persons feelings in a relationship, and if they feel that they're they need loosed I'll set 'em free...P your discription of this type of Virgo sounds more like a Scorpios way, but Idk...
i hope this is not only a characteristic to cancer men, i was with a cancer guy in this situation and every time i was cutting the string he would say..."let's be friends"!!!!what a low life, he didn't want to commit, he was too afraid. i think that mature cancers don't behave like that, and sometimes maturity is not necessarily related to age!!!i think they are so naive to want to risk loosing their family for something that doesn't mean anything......i would say that is very immature, i feel sorry for the wife, she may not be the strog lady that the cancer men crave for as a partner!!!
it would be nice to see what guys in here think, or even ladies..
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Sep 09, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 419 · Topics: 80
Of the five languages of love, which one makes you feel the most loved?
Words of Affirmation
Acts of Service
Quality Time
Physical Touch
Giving Gifts
I'll go first. I feel most loved when someone has a deep discussion with me and uses words of affirmation. Physical touch comes next.
i strongly think that loving someone should not be based on any sort of needs!!!!if you are not able to love someone for who they are and vice versa then you need to be looking else where!!!you need to learn from each other, to complete each other and grow stronger as one with every day.......i have realised that it is very important that you want the same things in life and most importantly at the same time!!!this is a nice thread more insites will be very helfpful/interesting
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Sep 12, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 633 · Topics: 59
...and the signs are always there...its never or hardly ever...he/she just began acting this way'...
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Sep 12, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 633 · Topics: 59
...they're selfish during sex...well with everything because its all about them...
I mean what would yousay to a person who asks "do you believe people's personalities and lifes are shaped by the date they're born"?
btw looking at my sign's personality...I was shocked to see how can most be that true. But I don't like/and believe shouldn't use astrology to judge people.....what do you think?