He called this afternoon to talk about the details of two vacation trips we have planned in the next month and dinner...and we chatted a bit about my intuition and our level of intimacy. We also talked at length about this woman he had in his head and he feels he put a lot of energy into something he knew at heart would not ever happen, but that it was part of his growing into having a his first real relationship (not a fantasy one). He, like many Aquarians, is a later bloomer in relationships and sex.
Our conversation gave me a chance to get some more feedback from him about things. I was not off the mark...he is quite intrigued that it is possible to know something without having to have any visual proof in front of you, and separately, we talked a bit about astrology. He is very interested to learn more about it.
We have a dinner date tonight and when we return, we are going to sit down and go over his natal chart and I have promised to do an intuitive reading for him to give him an opportunity to grasp things. It should be interesting as he is actually quiter intuitive himself but as far as I can see, not fully conscious about it. I think it will be another one of our marathon talking sessions until sunrise.