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Oct 29, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 335 · Topics: 19
I think everyone goes a little psycho when they like someone. i've dealt with my share of wack job guys. Honestly if you don't want him and obviously hes not gonna give up, i'd recommend being straight forward and telling him its never gonna happen. and make the word NEVER stand out a lot more than you'd normally say it. otherwise he's still gonna be in the picture and annoy you. sometimes people dont know how to take a hint, so best to make sure they hear it as clearly as possible.
Signed Up:
Oct 29, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 335 · Topics: 19
Honestly i've just ended the 'worst week ever'... and you know what i've learned? Necver say you wish that someone would fall for you as hard as you fall for them. it's like ur asking for trouble! sometimes we dont realize how our actions affect other people, sometimes a lot more strongly than we had hoped for. sometimes we dont even realizing the damage we're doing to a person, just by simply existing!
jealously isnt always a bad thing, as long as its in a CONTROLLED environment! I mean for sporting events and school and sometimes even at work its great! if i didnt secretly become a little jealous of my co-worker, i probably wouldn't have pushed myself harder to be the best, in which i wouldnt have gotten promoted! perfect example how jealous can fuel the mind in the right direction
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Oct 29, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 335 · Topics: 19
lmfao! So somebody having a bit of trouble? Or this future advice for anyone contemplating the idea of dating an aries girl?
It sounds like the relationship I had with my cancer, we always used to play and joke around and wrestle. We both are HUGE martial art fans and we used to spar together! I know of a few cancer men and each one of them has similar joking habits, we tend to bounce off each other like two ping pong balls. this one time we were watching a movie and ended up doing this greek dance because it looked like tons of fun!
I keep hearing aries and cancer isnt typically a 'good' pairing, but i thought because aries is the 'baby' of the zodiac and cancers tend to be nurturing, that it would be a perfect match!
What sign goes best with aries?
Scorpios are naturally mysterious...but you are saying it in general.
All scorpios don't give you blunt answers. My bestfriend is a virgo, she and I get along, we have never had a big fight.
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Feb 26, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 8735 · Topics: 522
"Boys will be boys"...
EXACTLY. If I were you, I wouldn't over-analyze the situation too deeply. He might be testing you out to see how you'd respond OR he could be absolutely joking & kidding. If you don't want to send the wrong message/mixed signals back to him, then just don't respond----He'll get the point. The relationship is OVER so even if this guy makes little statements like this, just disregard it. Hell, he might've had those "horny blues" that most guys have randomly months later. Just suck it up & act like the text never happend. It would be different if this Virgo guy texted you 6 months later professing his undying love for you, but that's not the case so just let it go. Don't let that one single text get your emotions all wound up because trust me, it's probably not what you think at all
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May 23, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2604 · Topics: 117
((If you think that we all have in our charts a little bit of everything.. then all the discriptions apply to you.))
Only if you think so. You can also think that the professional astrologers are frauds who are in for the money part and they just designed a birth chart thingy to make it look confusing to public. What you or others think doesn't change the truth.
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Feb 26, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 8735 · Topics: 522
Just be yourself. Being yourself should be as natural as "brushing your teeth" lol (hopefully). You're an Aqua so being yourself (not giving too much or too little) comes natural to us. Show your humorous & expressive side. If you're going to flirt, make sure you do it in a creative way (and not the way he's probably used to EVERY OTHER GIRL doing) & make sure you're not TOO distant---because we definetely have the tendency to do that when we're not sure how to be on the first date. Show him who you are, but then again leave things to the imagination a little. Virgos are very laid-back & down to earth individuals so being too loud or over-doing things is probably a MINUS. Holding a good & long conversation will probably get you in the door. Hell, just imagine things were the other way around...How would you want him to come off or act if you were in his shoes? Whatever answer you think of, BE THAT PERSON
Signed Up:
Feb 26, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 8735 · Topics: 522
Oh & this comes from Virgo experience: When on the first date, try not to talk all about your ex boyfriends/girlfriends & come off as anything BUT exciting & independent. They hate complainers & people who are on the pessimistic side of things. I mean if he asks about your past, be honest BUT try to keep it as clean as possible. Try to appear loyal to even those in your past who might've hurt you or whom you don't get along with. I shouldn't even be telling you this because you're an Aqua...which means you're a natural at this kind of stuff...if anything when it comes to Virgos, they're normally the ones all nervous about how they're going to act around US. Just smile (and make sure your teeth are actually WHITE) & let things flow smoothly