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Nov 30, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 1327 · Topics: 32
Mata Hari, which one catches your fancy the most....hmmmm.....its a coin toss, right?
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Nov 30, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 1327 · Topics: 32
PS - Posh is looking rather binge-and-purge these days, yes?
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May 23, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2604 · Topics: 117
((Certainly not! Science will not accept astrology on the basis of mere demonstratable effects!))
It cannot be demonstrated within the narrow minded methods of science. And everyone who have tried to explain astrology to scientists in the past were astrologers who blindly follow the traditional system of astrology.
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Mar 15, 2008Comments: 2 · Posts: 350 · Topics: 10
i understand how u feel Ma did the same to us
read diaries... opened letters without consent,any sort... confidential letters, bank statements, cellphone bills everything.... and she did not put them back into the envelopes, as though it was a noble thing to do
she checked the personal belongings...bags pda cellphones and the list goes on.
when confronted calmly, she Proudly said...not asked but said. . . y cant i
i have Many scorp friends who dont do that n really respect my privacy..
but i know a few who do
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May 23, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2604 · Topics: 117
I honestly think that we all have to reduce our unwanted travels and save on fuel. people are traveling more and more as if they will die if they dont travel.
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Mar 01, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 356 · Topics: 10
And what's that one where people talk about themselves in the third person plural???
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Mar 01, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 356 · Topics: 10
Hear, hear!! I always feel that if I don't have a good relationship with myself, there's no point looking to anybody else. I think the danger behind the Soulmate stuff is the idea of two halves joining to make one whole. In my opinion, a good relationship is when two whole people can blend like mercury droplets - well, not totally but with enough differences to keep it alive. You know what I mean!
I am really bothered by the lack of Silence in people's lives. And the lack of self-knowledge. Busy-ness is an active foreign policy to take the attention off the trouble at home in one's soul, IMHO.
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Mar 01, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 356 · Topics: 10
I wonder if a soulmate actually ISN'T the one you'd make love with... Like many others here, I have met important people - you could call them soulmates - with that instant 'lock and key' thing... Often remains unspoken between the two of you because it doesn't need to be.
Doesn't anyone else ever have those fleeting moments when you lock eyes with someone as they pass on a train or in a bus, and 'know' if you met that you'd be friends? I think as a species we are deeply, deeply connected in ways we have forgotten about.
Like Sagigoat, I have often been told I'm psychic, and like Sagigoat, I think it's just about sensitivity. Apparently children with difficult backgrounds are often excellent at reading people because they had to be, from babyhood, to survive the hostility from a parent. Taht would make sense in my case.
At the grand old age of 47 I would just caution you not to forget that that 'instant knowing' can be pure lust! Which is fine in its place, but don't build a whole romantic premise on it!
Sometimes I wonder if we aren't ALL soulmates, and as we go through life and accept that more and more, we become more and more connected with everyone, learning from them as we go along. I am certain that some of my 'connections' are from within me - from my needs and idiosyncracies. I project at times, sure I do. And I see nothing wrong with that, as long as I remain aware that the other person may not feel the same. After all, when you are in love, feeling loved... WHERE are those feelings? In YOU! Nobody 'gives' them to you or 'makes' you feel them. You can access that at any time, without having to have an external catalyst.
It's just more fun when it's linked to romance, I guess!
I responded that i felt that this was inappropriate, to which he replied, but we r friends...yes i said thats true but i wouldnt let my friends touch me intimately like that let alone my male friends so the answers NO!, to which he replied i wont offer again and i said fine i'll live lol!