Do you get like this.....

If you come on too strong from an emotional standpoint they will back away.

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I can't smoke it, I'd get kicked from my volunteer medical study and lose $ 1150 bucks. Sorry, but not over a 5 sack. I also tried to sell it for $ 5, still no takers at the party. There just plain were no tokers at the party I was at.
Wow, I am so impressed. I'm not being sarcastic, I mean it. You guys have a really good read on my situation, my tendency and weaknesses. So thank you, this is all really good advice and thoughts that I can relate with. It's funny, he is out of town and we just talked for 2 hrs. The subject was where we are going with our relationship. How we need to either learn to be happier with each other, or we should move on.
I agree that I need to take control of my emotions and be responsible for my own happiness. The older we are, the harder it is to change the way we have always been, but I aim high and I will work hard for change.
Re-bound does not interest me, I am a the heart of cancer, hopelessly romantic loyal & faithful, I would feel like I was using the rebound man for my short term comfort. I agree it is much healthier to heal inside before you try to go there with someone new. I don't mean to sound judgemental, I am only refering to this camelot romantic mind of mine. I think re-bound might work well for some and as long as everyone is a consenting adult then live and let live.
Thanks again capri31, p-angel, simplyme, jrussou. I will change. I will find the joy in my life again.
I even let this African dude who said he's been to Holland before smell the stuff through the bag, and he was all like "that's that good shit!" Still didn't buy. Damn my luck. Screw it, I'm letting it go for now, and if my next visit is like a month away, I'm smoking it.
((I think it is incredibly limiting and ignorant to believe that everything must be proven by our limited perception of science, in order to be true.))
EXACTLY!!!. People still carry the idea that if it cannot be proven as per humans requirements of proof, it doesn't exist. How can they be so sure that everything in this universe can satisfy the requirements?
If a person escapes from an accident at one time in a 'miraculous' way which science cannot explain, it doesn't mean that he didn't escaped. Can he repeat the same over and over again and escape all the time to prove that its scientific? Probably not. Why? the time has moved on and they were doing the same experiment on a different time with different stored informations in the persons brain.
my lover, in the past week and half, has begun to show old depressive inclinations due to neurotic sensitivities. for the past month we have been apart and unfortunately will continue to be apart until the end of august and he is showing some strain and is sadly closing himself off. his venus is in capricorn and he can be overly cautious and miserly with his affection when that cappy pragmatism overshadows the expressiveness of his sun in sagittarius. do any other venus caps find themselves recently feeling distant from a lover??? any insight please!!
my lover, in the past week and half, has begun to show old depressive inclinations due to neurotic sensitivities. for the past month we have been apart and unfortunately will continue to be apart until the end of august and he is showing some strain and is sadly closing himself off. his venus is in capricorn and he can be overly cautious and miserly with his affection when that cappy pragmatism overshadows the expressiveness of his sun in sagittarius. i am thinking though if i back off and give him some space he will come looking for me and will be warm and affectionate again as sags are strong in the hunt. yes, no?
my lover, in the past week and half, has begun to show old depressive inclinations due to neurotic sensitivities. for the past month we have been apart and unfortunately will continue to be apart until the end of august and he is showing some strain and is sadly closing himself off. his venus is in capricorn and he can be overly cautious and miserly with his affection when that cappy pragmatism overshadows the expressiveness of his sun in sagittarius. he has his moon in aquarius which calls for a lot of freedom and some instability in romantic relationships but for the most part he has been pretty stable until recently. any insight??
my lover, in the past week and half, has begun to show old depressive inclinations due to neurotic sensitivities. for the past month we have been apart and unfortunately will continue to be apart until the end of august and he is showing some strain and is sadly closing himself off. his venus is in capricorn and he can be overly cautious and miserly with his affection when that cappy pragmatism overshadows the expressiveness of his sun in sagittarius. he has his moon in aquarius which calls for a lot of freedom and some instability in romantic relationships but for the most part he has been pretty stable until recently. any insight??
You read alot of this-and-that about what it is to be an aquarius, you know? Like how you act or how you look or how you feel etc. Well, I am going to list some traits and I would like to know if you can relate, and you all should do the same. It could be interesting.
- I am tall and thin with sharp facial features
- Somewhat vacant expression. Sort of vague and possibly a bit gloomy
- Very interested in poetry, pyschology, and music (this one I read about often as being typical aquarian interests)
- Prone to being silent / reflective in any situation
- NEED to have alone time to think about things. Myself mostly but not in an incredibly selfish way, I guess
- Very accepting of others
- A bit irascible but always kind unless provoked
- I am not "cold" or "emotionless" but tend to deal with peoples problems intellectually and tell them what I think in a very blunt manner
- Can be one of the most shy or most outgoing people
- Feel often that others are not on my level or on the same page as me
- Not easily influenced
- Can easily influence others
- A bit flighty
- Hard to get ahold of (so I am told)
- I get aggrivated with people who need too much approval (virgo / cancer)
- Self assured but still a bit insecure just like anybody else
- Not concerned about what others think about me / Will say what I feel despite whether it is inappropriate or may offend people. Hey, it's the truth, man.
- Somewhat serious but knows how to enjoy myself
- Not into constantly cracking jokes / Would rather have a real conversation
- Sarcasm which is often over the heads of others
- Usually cannot enjoy sex with someone if I am not feeling a mental connection or not intellectually stimulated
Okay, this is getting too long but you get the idea. I'm interested in knowing if you can relate to this. Add to it too, if you feel so inclined
I feel a bit good and bad about being a prototype but this is all just simple truth. My best friend is also an aquarius and we have so many things in common that it is amazing at times. I really appreciate his mind and thats just super important to me. There are all types of intelligence but when somebody has a certain way of expressing it that is similar to yours it seems like something very special.
The sex thing can go either way. If it's going to be long term than I can't think the person is a fool.