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Jan 31, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 173 · Topics: 10
I have known people like that. I get rid of them though. The fakeness is very annoying. They arnt a friend to me, just annoying people who dont know who they are. I feel your pain....but I would of already gone off on her lol. but thats just me.
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Apr 28, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 219 · Topics: 15
would this apply when dealing with venus and mars?
It's cool, man. Don't freak out about it because it wasn't an attack. Obviously everybody needs some level of approval from others or else we would all become insensitive and misanthropic fools. It wasn't an attack as I have many virgo and cancer friends but what I was trying to say was that I usually tend to notice that these types of people often need approval. Approval also comes in many forms. I haven't specified what I meant by this, and I probably don't need to. In my experience it just becomes annoying at some point but usually when I'm just not into having to reinforce anybodies anything. You know? I am not the most secure person in the universe. I said this already. But I do have a level of self assurance. I understand everybody is their own person and that projecting yourself onto others is more or less a stupid move.
I love my cancer and virgo friends. It's just that sometimes I get aggrivated by having to verbalize things as if it really matters that much anyway.
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I hid that post coz I can't ****in read today lol. Must be this stupid cold i've got. Sorry!
So it says for cancer, in 2008 should be a good career and romance year for us.. I haven't had any luck with any girls only flirting and finding out they ALL fucking have boy friends! My career sucks ass seems like I'm always getting close but then have it fall completely apart? I have no love life only flirt life and I am fucking sick of these. Oh he's cute and then not show interest the next day.. So Fuck IT! I will not go for # 2 In my love list. I want a girl I feel a good connection with and every time I do feel it THERE FUCKING TAKEN BY SOME MOTHER FUCKING BITCH! And once again I am teased the thing I want most? I cant do this anymore I'm sick of it and I give up. YEP I give up fuck love or lust I have never had a relation ship but yet girls find me attractive.. Then why the fuck am I always alone? I have never felt love or been loved since I was little.. also the baby sitters would beat me up and lock me inside a closet for fighting another kid that is picking on me tho they always think I started the fight. I would always have a bruise and cuts. I was quiet almost to the point were people thought I was a mute in grade school.
. I have always been attractive to the opposite sex but I think from a bad childhood I have no personality to really keep them attracted to me? I'm the guy that will lose the girl to an ugly guy because he is more out going? I never had a relation ship or a girl stay crushing over me for a long time. They lose interest as soon as I show signs of interest. I wanna give up on love if I had a choice I would remove it completely from my mind it hurts to much just to be teased. Oh and also something that just gets to me every time I read cancer horoscopes is the bull shit about us and our mammas that's all it fucking talks about.. Don't believe that BULLSHIT and I would like to punch the person who wrote this rubbish in the face. Giving us cancers a fucking shitty reading making us sound like little pussys. Sorry I'm angry. And really just sick of being in the same situation with girls I have feelings for all the time and have it not work out? I am about to accept being along and good looking for the rest of my life. My looks are wasted on someone with no personality like me
Why did I have to be born a Cancer? useless emotional sign? I would of been a Leo in just a couple days... my moon is Virgo and ascendant in Sagittarius btw. what a fucked up mix up huh