Aquarius Male on Edge

Sounds a bit like an experiment to me....does every topic that comes up between you guys revert back to your charts and chirons and transits whatever. Do you plan his dinners based on his charts??
IMHO this would probably make for a good freindship with an Aquarius but they'll eventually bore of all the astrological stuff. I can only imagine my Aqua's face if I said to him ok so how about a nice dinner tonight at that quirky little Italian place on the corner and when we get back we're doing your chart.....until sunrise.
As for Virgo/Aquarius.....we've got two Virgo woman in our social group (both partners of friends) and both these people just don't seem to grasp what my boyfriend is saying most of the time...he has this way of saying things in a shocking way but the message (if you understand him) is not so serious always - they take him so literally!! And he ofcourse knows this and just stirs some more until eventually they're in a verbal spar over something so stupid and those of us who know that he's just a big old tease sit there laughing our heads off at these Virgo woman getting themselves totally worked up - he seems to have the same affect on Taurus woman. E.g. my Aqua will tease me by saying something like, remember when this happened, and I'll say no I don't you must've been with your other girlfriend and he'll say oh yes the blond one with big boobs and we'll laugh - but the Virgo female will shake her head and later, in private ask me how I put up with it??? Hello, we were joking damnit!