Maybe a female pisces can help you out better because I don't really like to get emotional; especially when I'm sad about a love lost. Its there but at the same time it isn't. I just don't put my energy into it I guess. Its hard for me to express feelings into words, so thats why I have female friends.
Something bijou said that I'll try to paraphase: We exist on two planes; the mental and emotional. The two planes are intertwined but are separate entities. We can't be on both planes at the same time. So when I detach my feelings from a relationship I can step back and deduce what was "really" occurring. When I'm in the emotional plane, all I see are gumdrops and rainbows.
Maybe this separation of self is what drive all you women crazy about us. In our emotional plane you are everything we see, we are very romantic. Then when we get back we have other engagements we must take care of. Two in one connected by a string. Fish swimming in opposite directions trying to stay connected.