Aries women who are damaged goods,play the field and have bad soul ties.

Posted by Gobby
Posted by Yodi
Posted by AbbyNormal

I even witnessed this with my last landlord! Mid-fifties Aries woman with 1. Her "boyfriend" 2. Her "friend" who is such a nice guy to fix anything at her beck and call 3. The pool guy who "has a crush on her" and god knows who else but all three I saw regularly. She even tried to get Virguy doing her shit for her, but we all know how that went LOL. She could fake with the best of them. Best word for her, fake.

I'm confused partly because I'm half azz following this thread 😬

How is she fake? Is it because she has men in her life that's willing to help her or is she stringing them along?

She's obviously using them, that's why.

Aries are the worst when you give them an inch...
click to expand
How tho?..

Abby said 1. Is her boyfriend

(boyfriends do shyt for their girlfriends all the time. How is that using?)

2. Is her friend

(he can say no just as fast as he said yes)

3. Is the pool guy that has a crush on her

(if anything he's happy to help her because he wants that puss one day)

Also she's fifty.. maybe she genuinely needs help.