Posted by GemitatiWhat’s that? 👀Posted by 7s
Probably your taurus and cancer placements. I have a gemini friend thats married to a cap woman (10 years ). He has a cancer moon and mars in taurus. Their synastry is perfect.
If you are good at synastry reading May I ask you to take a look at mine? Thanksclick to expand
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Posted by Lacey90yeah i understand that, it might be a good idea to be cautious before falling too deeply/ then to give it all like that. but like i said some people don't have the patience and it comes off as if you're not interested or playing hard to get. i has virgo placements too so yeahPosted by leoooxPosted by dilettantePosted by Lacey90Posted by dilettantePosted by Lacey90I think he may have thought I was one. Which is why he was like I won't meet u before talking to you properly on the phone.
this post, for whatever reason, tells me a lot.
him asking to talk on the phone makes you think he thinks you are “the one”?
no girl, he just wants to see if the dynamic is good on the phone. if it is, then he’ll meet up.
i am really starting to wonder if your venus is in leo. you read as someone who thinks very highly of yourself. which is fine, until it gets to the point where you think everyone should cater you, regardless of the effort you give back. which is what this sounds like.
you cannot expect people to know what the hell is going on, or what you want, unless you communicate that. but i really do not think there is much stable grounding for a successful relationship.
it looks like i am not the only one, either.
Well your first line was a bit delusional of you. I never implied that i think he thinks I'm the one. Obviously. Can u please stop misunderstanding what I'm saying.
And WRONG my venus is in virgo. I can't stand Leo's. Only my lilith is Leo whatever that even means. YEH I do think highly of myself and like I said I've been in situations before where I've given a lot of my time and company to people only to have it thrown back in my facE. SO EXCUSE ME if I don't want to go there again .And what is wrong with a guy putting in some effort for once. There's way to many scenarios where the woman does it all for the man and the man just leaves in the end anyway. So seriously calm down.
I do get that i was a bit tough to get to know at the start. But i will try now
ya i re read the post & corrected myself.
but uh
HE PUT IN EFFORT AND YOU DID NOT. it took you 9 days to even honor his request for a phone call.
i swear this is like talking to a brick wall.
for some reason it seems like a virgo thing, they got to analyze/question every little thing before being in a relationship, some people don't have the patience
I admit I am like this. But the those people who just jump headfirst into something, doesn't necessarily work out either. Finishes as quick as it startedclick to expand
Posted by dilettantePosted by Lacey90Posted by dilettantePosted by Lacey90Posted by dilettantePosted by Lacey90he knew things wouldnt work with us and didn't even save my number
? which is it?
you said here, he told you he KNEW things wouldnt work out... ie. yall are incompatible.
i have a feeling it's not because he thinks we were incompatible. It's because of how blocked him initially and like the on and off behaviour I guess. So that is why he lost hope. I do feel bad when I think about it but at the same time I was just being me
lol ok
who’s the delusional one here?
if he doesn’t like the way you react to things & being “on and off” is just you being you, & he tells you he thinks it wont work out then it is a sign of incompatibility. you dont tell people you really like “this is gonna work”.
ultimately, you are gonna do whatever you want. if yall continue to get to know each other, i have a feeling this won’t be the last time some drama happens.
Well yeh you're probably right.
And no i don't think I'm delusional. I've recognised the behaviours on myself which are probably not the best etc..
all i am ultimately trying to say is... dont waste your time on someone who isn’t flowing easily with you. it is rarely ever worth it. there are plenty of other people out there who will respect the way you do things & don’t mind the long game.
this is too much drama for not knowing each other that long & it shouldn’t be like that. courting is supposed to be fun & exciting, not emotionally punishing.
but you are a scorpio moon so LOL
😂click to expand
Posted by leoooxPosted by Lacey90Posted by leoooxPosted by dilettantePosted by Lacey90Posted by dilettantePosted by Lacey90I think he may have thought I was one. Which is why he was like I won't meet u before talking to you properly on the phone.
this post, for whatever reason, tells me a lot.
him asking to talk on the phone makes you think he thinks you are “the one”?
no girl, he just wants to see if the dynamic is good on the phone. if it is, then he’ll meet up.
i am really starting to wonder if your venus is in leo. you read as someone who thinks very highly of yourself. which is fine, until it gets to the point where you think everyone should cater you, regardless of the effort you give back. which is what this sounds like.
you cannot expect people to know what the hell is going on, or what you want, unless you communicate that. but i really do not think there is much stable grounding for a successful relationship.
it looks like i am not the only one, either.
Well your first line was a bit delusional of you. I never implied that i think he thinks I'm the one. Obviously. Can u please stop misunderstanding what I'm saying.
And WRONG my venus is in virgo. I can't stand Leo's. Only my lilith is Leo whatever that even means. YEH I do think highly of myself and like I said I've been in situations before where I've given a lot of my time and company to people only to have it thrown back in my facE. SO EXCUSE ME if I don't want to go there again .And what is wrong with a guy putting in some effort for once. There's way to many scenarios where the woman does it all for the man and the man just leaves in the end anyway. So seriously calm down.
I do get that i was a bit tough to get to know at the start. But i will try now
ya i re read the post & corrected myself.
but uh
HE PUT IN EFFORT AND YOU DID NOT. it took you 9 days to even honor his request for a phone call.
i swear this is like talking to a brick wall.
for some reason it seems like a virgo thing, they got to analyze/question every little thing before being in a relationship, some people don't have the patience
I admit I am like this. But the those people who just jump headfirst into something, doesn't necessarily work out either. Finishes as quick as it started
yeah i understand that, it might be a good idea to be cautious before falling too deeply/ then to give it all like that. but like i said some people don't have the patience and it comes off as if you're not interested or playing hard to get. i has virgo placements too so yeahclick to expand
Posted by stopePosted by justagirl
"The task of the 1st is To Be. A heavily-loaded 1st house is typical for driven people, people who feel they are on a mission, who must simply act. The 1st house focus will compel the native to live out their very own path, and yet you’ll frequently find the 1st house person fighting to be themselves and to remain free of others’ definitions, even as they are swayed by others’ ideas of who they might be."
Have a few asteroids there too
Sad reality is ppl with strong fixed positions judge the crap out of us firsties heavily for being swayed by others opinion yet we ultimately choose our own path.
Meh. They have no idea.
*whinge overclick to expand
Posted by HeartofIcePosted by Lacey90Posted by HeartofIcePosted by dilettante
i dunno, dude said he didnt think yall were compatible & didnt even save your number.
then when we call you out, you tell us he’s actually “very demanding” & put pressure on you... yadda yadda. why would you even be interested in someone like that?
you said you blocked him for a month & now its “a couple weeks”.
none of this looks promising. to me, it clearly looks as if yall are not compatible.
I don't think any of this will actually clear up unless they hash things out IRL and actually see how the other person thinks and acts. Miscommunications and misunderstandings can come up really easily if the relationship is strictly online.
Just meet up and see what happens. And if he's not willing to meet up then just cut your losses and move on, OP. And be more careful about how you conduct yourself moving forward.
Yeh I know.
Oh btw I did finally call. And guess what when I did it said he was on another call. And me being me was like it's maybe another female. But anyway he didn't pick up and texted "I'll call u back"... he called back 20 minutes later. I didn't pick up. I was busy at the shops..Then got home n just had to do other things. So I left it basically.
Then an hour later he messaged on WhatsApp and was like apologising for missing my call and asked if I was alright.
To which I replied "Yeh". And that was tht
Girl you haven't picked up a single phone call from this dude. It's not hard. At this point nobody cares what you think he was doing while he was on his own phone call and nobody cares that you got busy. This bullshit has been going on for way too long. He's been making 95% of the effort and you've done next to nothing to encourage him that you're actually serious about him. I don't know what else to tell you. Put your ego away and just call him. Stop fucking around with to expand
Posted by HeartofIcePosted by dilettante
there is so much mish mashed info here.
one post says 2 months theyve been talking. another post says they didnt talk for a month.
one post says he knew they werent compatible. the next post says he never said that.
she says she has been communicating but the whole basis of this thread is about how she isnt communicating.
i dunno... this isnt adding up.
+1click to expand
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