Aries women who are damaged goods,play the field and have bad soul ties.

Posted by Sailor_Mars
Posted by Jumpin_Jupiter
Posted by bmoon8
Posted by Jumpin_Jupiter

bmoon8 is an Aries with Libra moon. You can expect arguments from them. That should be no surprise.

What makes an Aries sun/Libra moon argumentative? I am not that argumentative in real life.. more of a go with a flow type of person. I expect that to change when Pluto transits my 1st house. Excuse me for interrupting stupid on dxpnet and disrupting the sheeple camaraderie.

You are exactly everything what Aries sun and Libra moon represent. And believe me sweetie, they ain't good. They nasty. You have a temper that appears to be vile and ready to go off. Having an Aries sun mixed with Libra moon is an extremely bad one. And I just talked about this exact terrible astrological placement on another thread and you are a great representation about it. In real life I bet your mouth is dirty and I'm willing to put my entire life on the line that you are an unattractive critter who scared to go outside in fear of getting teased. You are sensitive. You are not a confident being. And you have to unleash hell on a astrology forum to bring out your sensitiveness to strangers. And that is sad. You need help whether you realize it or not. You can't ignore people but rather waste time to argue your point across tirelessly. That's what Aries sun and Libra moons do.

I am an Aries Sun, Libra Rising and I am very attractive. I also have a lot of patience and the ability to keep my flames inside of me. I am very just and fair.
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Greatsmile then you can sit with me.