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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
Most people are aware of other people's reactions, and then if they care they will adjust themselves .... and I find this to be a quality of Aries .. both forward, and an expectation of it coming back to them, though this transmitting and recieving is held in a different, biased regard.
Explanation of above:
Recieving .... an Aries excepts the other person to be able to recognize that if you say something they don't like, or call them a nickname that they don't like .... that you should have the awareness of them to observe from their physical expressionary reaction that they don't like it and adjust yourself automatically. Example: you call him a pet-name and he cringes < that is his reaction which should signal to you that he doesn't like it. So, to him, he feels like he shouldn't HAVE to tell you, he shouldn't HAVE to confront you about it ..... he feels you should be aware of him, and respond to him, accordingly.
So, it's not really a matter of whether he has the conviction to make a stand for himself .. it's a matter of whether you are aware of his presence.
Transmitting ... he is very much aware of you, all Rams are of their people, and he WILL present things to you, purposely, to see how you will react so he can file ... this pisses her off, this makes her smile, this makes her flinch, when I do this she ignores me.
Also, with Aries, because they are people who actually operate according to feelings (see above) .. they will also, unfortunately, purposely push "bad" buttons to get reactions out of you. However, to have a successful relationship with the Ram, you just have to keep in mind that they are usually like a pressure pot, ready to vent off steam because of their excessive energy ... so, you either just let them rip without taking it personally, or you divert this energy into passionate sex.
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
You are talking about LOA, in which isn't a news flash .. this very thing we already know ... I'm not talking about the concept .. I'm talking about true thoughts of positive, and not ones you merely think are positive because they are on the surface to react to.
R, I have books by her .. one I love is called, "You can heal your life"
And she has a lot of insight ... however, I believe people are flawed when they attempt to apply this Secret to their lives because the positive they focus on most of the time, is on the surface (ego) which in reality brings a negative to your life.
Here's an example for both of you ....
You meet this man, and you are absolutely smitten ... you want him, you focus on all the wonderful and beautiful and positive qualities about this coupling and him. You throw out anything negative about him, or this union with him, and any negative feedback you might get from others. What if he's a player? And he's using you? You will never "see" this because you decided you would ONLY see the positive.
You embrace him and all he has to offer .... to later get your heart burnt so bad that you want to die.
So, my point is .... in order for a real positive to come into your life by wishing it so, by using the powers of LOA .. this HAS to be done by the soul, with depth .. if it's on the surface (ego) .. then you haven't brought a positive to your life at all ... you've brought a negative.
Most people don't understand this concept .. they think that just because they want it, that it's a positive force.
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Nov 30, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 1327 · Topics: 32
1. eating - only if their female makes it for them
2. shitting - see #1 above
3. scratching their nuts - well, again, see #1 above
4. marking their territory - Dont let another guy get their female (see #1 above)
5. sleeping - nothing like a good nap after a meal
6. drinking - grab me a cold one, would'ja honey
7. watching football - Quiet, its the two-minute wraning
8. farting - wow that was a tasty supper
9. ignoring the female voice - see # 7 above
10. getting laid - Yay!! My team won! Lets fuck, honey!
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
See ^^^^^^^^^ I know men !!!!!
Last night, we do a cash-game where we each take turns bringing dinner .. well, someone make yummy stuffed shells .. we ate and then about an hour later, the below happens ...
I get up to get another margurita .. my husbands says to fetch him a beer
While I'm away, he goes outside to pee, comes back in scratching his nuts, of course
Sits down, pops the beer-top, takes a big swig .. belches, and then says ....
"those shells were delicious .. first and second time"
Look at my boobs and then asks me how much I've had to drink and then winks at one of his buddies at the table.
True ^^ that ..... fucking men !!!!!!
My fiance is a libra and I was just wondering if anyone could give me tips on how to keep my Libra feeling wanted, admired and more importantly happy
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Nov 08, 2006Comments: 37 · Posts: 4746 · Topics: 283
i've never had to use this option & don't understand all its workings, but it should stay open & available to anyone who needs it. Reasoning & level heads do not always prevail, no matter how hard one may try. Everyone's level of tolerence is different & should be respected. You shouldn't have to 'handle. i guess, in a sense it's like your own lil mod system, when nothing else may work. However, i still like the idea of some type of casual mod system, or at the very least some type of forum guidelines.
honestly the best thing u can do at this point his give him a lil space. dont nag and dont push. Dont keep asking him what he wants from you. trust me he doesnt even know what he wants.libras can seemt o be unstable at time. one minute there with you the next min they are thinking are things really good.just keeps doing the whats right. dont change your character because he is acting funny. he will come around. libra plays games. just keep peace. as a virgo I know its hard. we just gotta know what going on.. be confident. give him time he will come around if he really is in it for love. hope i helped