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Feb 08, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 1048 · Topics: 11
She could tell him aries but he already knows this AND he gets affirmation that it bothers her so he'll do it more.
The fact that he does it in the first place shows his immaturity.
As for ignoring him will make him do it more, that's absurd. She's already noticed a difference when she shows no reaction. It's common sense.
If someone is trying to get you to react and each time he tries you don't will he continue or will he stop?
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Sep 18, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 615 · Topics: 17
For real, I just want to shake you! I know what you're going thru tho. But girl, there are PLENTY of men out there that are worthy of you. Irrespective of sign, a man will DOG a woman that he has that much control over. Stop chasing him! If he wants you he'll come after you. If not fuc em!
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Feb 29, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 1789 · Topics: 62
i think i agree with that for the most part. im not a cap but i feel like ive been through it all. my cap was happy to be at home with just me (or one person at a time) but when lots of people were there he got really stressed out. he was also just as happy being out but he was a notorious people watcher so he wasnt always very social. definitely more in his element at home
An update: He texted me apologizing and telling me he was asleep and wasn't able to talk the night before. We then spoke back and forth for a few days but stopped talking. It's been about a week since I spoke to him last.
I'm getting tired of all the games and just kind of figure that the ball is in his court now. I feel like I did everything I could, but that he's still waiting for me to make a move of some sort and I'm not sure why or even what to do.
I'm just going to move on at this point, and if he'd like to contact me he can.
He had told me he wanted to see me when I got home, and told me to make sure that I call him. Before I gave much thought to it I really did want to see him, and a part of me still really does, but I have decided it's best if I don't.
Unless he contacts me and I change my mind, but I'm hoping to stick with this decision, and maybe even more time apart will help us closer to one day actually being friends because that would really mean a lot to me.
Anyway, thanks to everyone for all of the advice, it's helped me a lot ^_^
- Virgoian
Just ignore him, and he'll chase you down. But try not to get caught up in that game, it's a long and hard one.
chantal - virgo : It sounds as if he really likes you because he's being open and honest with you about that. I am the same way: insecure and wasn't showing very much affection to my libra. To me, however, I need to be shown a certain amount of affection in order to reciprocate it. A big part of our downfall was that I didn't feel much affection from him, and was afraid to show him affection because it made me feel as if I wasn't liked as much as I thought I liked him. Recently he contacted me and actually apologized for the lack of affection, and in return I did as well. It turned out we were both scared to show eachother the affection each of us was wanting because of our insecurities.
He told you. The hard part is over. Be assured that he likes you because of it, allow yourself to break down some of the walls built up by those insecurities and show him some adoration. But not too much. Libras do like a chase, so be somewhat indirect about it as well.
I do not believe Libras and Virgos are incompatible at all. There's just a definite lack of communication between the two. At least that's what I've come to experience.
I dated a cancer for three years and in the beginning he was the calmest, sweetest, warmest person I had ever met and never once had a mood swing. By the end of the third year though, big change.
I know EXACTLY what you are talking about. He would just SNAP. And there was nothing you could say or do that would return him to his normal self except to leave him alone for a day or two. But it was scary as hell. Upsetting too. He'd act as if he didn't even know me when in those moods, hit me once even.
It was so odd because any other time he was the most non confrontational person you would ever meet.
It was so odd.
Sorry I can't help hah, I have no idea, I would love to find out though.
To me, it basically only comes down to who makes the first move. I am extremely emotional, but am cautious of who to show it to.
As soon as the person I am interested in opens up to me, I open up to them.
I reciprocate the emotion I feel back from the other person, that's all.
If you feel that your virgo is showing you emotions in the wrong ways, just tell him. That's all. I'm sure he'll do whatever it takes to show you what you would like to see.
If i am being "emotionless" to another person, I have no clue, and if told I am will most likely apologize and spill my guts uncontrollably.
It is a "defense mechanism" at times, not showing too many emotions to not scare someone off, but many times we just are unsure of what the other person wants. We don't want to come off as too strong. But we also don't want to come off as too weak either. So just tell us if you feel we're not showing you what you want/need.