scorpio man driving me nuts

"he's trying to see if you care. to us jealousy means that you care. i do the same thing when i'm not getting reassurance from the person that i am with."
I tried to explain this earlier, MsScorpion...they don't wanna be hearin' it. lol

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"stomach the harshness" that is cos if they are typical types they have strong perfectionistic sensibilities but Virgo is a Mutable sign of communication so they will normally express what or how they feel but the impression that I got especially male Virgos they try to modify the characteristics of their partners/ but Virgo girls wow! lots of pent up energy waiting to be released.
Bullmoon emotions are ruled by your moon sign. I'm an aqua at moon hehe emotionally independent. I didn't get the push syndrome as much as I'd have liked.
When he pushed I was going "Woohoo, SPACE" then he'd go WTF cuz I wasn't chasing and promptly PULL.
You keep your emotions in check by not stressing and just knowing he will be back. But you still get on with your life.
Push-Pull, Pull-push, Push-Pull,Pull-push,Push-Pull,Pull-push,Push-Pull,Pull-push,Pull-push,Push-Pull,Pull-push,Push-Pull,Pull-push....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
It applies to many things throughout the life with virgo in a virgo world!!!
Interestingly, I have learnt that too Winking and I tell you this game makes me feel so much happy and alive!
That, sweet-studpid world of feelings and love. I wish I were a robot, the one in the I,robot movie Winking!
And besides Virgos are not "reserved" ever been around Virgo Yakkers? But yes Virgos are discerning and observant but I think this can go overboard like that Bill O' Riley guy? y'know yeah? yeh > Give him about lets say 20 different issues about society and so he comes into his studio at 9 in the morning an he will be Virgo Yakking from 9am to 9pm I wouldn't be surprized.
We both observe something and we know the other is observing that too, and yet we both pretend we do not know any thing about the other!
How sweet!? It goes without any words , we feel there is no need for a language or words!
Sometimes, pretending is pleasurable too!
It is fun knowing he knows and yet operates as he does not know, and I do the same, I behave as if he does not know any thing and vice versa!
Long ago,my life was so good and simple without love! With the arrival of love every thing has become very complex!!!
I thought love was supposed to make life simple! It has made me more aware of myself and the world around me. somethings I did not know I had within myself!
This is strange!!!

Virgos are nowhere nearly as reserved as the typical Taurus types can be.
OMG ... oral, anal ..... and these kids just have no fucking idea what the hell thier even doing.
Just blows my fucking mind because over on another thread this girl said she isn't having sex with this boy .. yet, blowing him.

They don't KNOW what they are doing ... they actually don't know.

I am sure that when typical Virgos sense that they are being discourteous they will most likely change their behavior.
So let him go ferdy. Get on with your life. He'll call you but don't get all emotional about it. Just treat him as a friend and get on with your life.
No more chasing him, capisce?