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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
omg, I so love hypocrasy .... oh hell yeah .. better than an orgasm.
So, tell me ''''''Mere Virgo'''''' .. howso is it that you would consider yourself labelled as a Virgo? ... generally speaking, of course, since you're just an individual woman.
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Mar 01, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 356 · Topics: 10
Was there something else you wanted to say? Like, direct us to a charity or something?
(I forget that not everyone knows about these things - a timely reminder, thanks).
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Mar 01, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 356 · Topics: 10
Knew that would bring y'all out of the woodwork! ;p
first of all stop thinking about him and start thinking about you. you obviously aren't getting what you want from this relationship either and it goes both ways. i know as a cancer we think of others more than ourselves but you need to stop thinking you are the bad one here. for example,"distance is really not fair to him" and "im not exactly his type and he can find someone a lot better". as much as this hurts now in the long run you will be fine and realize you did the right thing for him and you. it takes courage and strength to do what is right even if it doesn't feel like it at the time. i am not a libra but have a really good friend who is a libra. as a cancer i observe his behavior and have found that even though he has a lot of good qualities he also has a lot of bad. not saying it is because he is a libra but more so cause he is human. i am sure him being a libra plays a small role but the main thing about him that bothers me is the fact that he lies a lot..i mean a lot. he tried to do that to me one time but i called him on his crap and he has since stopped lying to me (at least to my knowledge). anyway, might have gotten off track but my question to you is if you didn't get communication from him while you were together what makes you think you will get it as a friend? as hard as it is i say cut your losses and move on for the time being.