well umm. yeah i guess geminis can draw you in emotionally. it can either be manipulative or real. its completely different from the way a cancer does it. its more like jeckel and hide when that happens between a gemini and scorpio. the gemini shows the scorpio the little boy hiding inside him. then he gets scared and disappears back into himself. often this is upsetting to the scorpio. the gemini cant help it though because all the deep intuitive emotions that he feels for the scorpio can conflict with his highly logical side and it scares him. thats why this combination of two signs has a much lower success rate. because either manipulative or real its much more turbulent. so if he feels like he needs to go into self preservation mode then he is going to do so even if he has to hurt the scorpios feelings. thats why making up is so good between these two signs. because after this type of interaction the scorpio gets a bunch of crazy thoughts and suspicions then if the gemini cares about her he will come back and show her that there is nothing to worry about. then she just melts into his arms. geminis are the most versatile lovers. if you want to be loved hard then they can love you hard. if you want to be loved soft they can love you soft. they also certainly challenge scorpios in the level of freakeyness. so stop asking questions and enjoy it. that is if you can realize that his emotions are much more raw and he probably struggles with them. hopefully then you can stand not to rip his head off and move into a much more stable level of relating. verrry sexy.
I draw the line when people keep CONSTANTLY proving my judgments right. Once I know for a fact that my idea of you is true, I quit giving the benefit of the doubt.
And as far as my stereotypes go... I have a bad habit of assuming people fall under a certain umbrella if they are a certain thing. If you're an athlete, I assume you're dumb until you prove otherwise... and if proven otherwise, I'm almost shocked. Which goes into me saying things like, "I never would've thought you'd know anything about this," or something else insulting lol.
Signed Up:
Oct 18, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 2502 · Topics: 29
CrabTank (aka lil' JZ) does not like being ignored.
ok so we all know about the scorpio gemini thing. highly sexual and intense initial connection followed by turbulent emotional squabbles which can either stabilize the relationship or end it. with the chart skewed in favor of failure.
so what other air signs are scorpios attracted too? i have heard that most water signs are attracted to air signs for their aloofness and tact but that it's generally problematic because of the emotional detachment the water sign can feel from the air sign. maybe the water sign admires thoes qualities in the air sign and wishes they could develop more of thoes qualities themselves. i know in my case i am attracted to the emotional nature of water signs for that reason. even thought it can get a little dramatic for me they help me deal with my emotions better and it just seems like water and air have great sexual chemistry to begin with so yea. scorpios in particular are just plain fun. so im sure often it must be similar from the other side.
so what other air signs is are likley to find a scorpio attracted to them? is there a similar attraction to the gemini scorpio one between any other air signs? is there one perhaps that is less intense but more successful?
any personal experiences would be appreciated.
i pooped on scorpio_rising lewl
see look hes mad at me! LOOL
Signed Up:
Oct 18, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 2502 · Topics: 29
o c'mon. Even Prince Pisces can beat you up.