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Posted by tizianiPosted by aquarius09
All I know is that any relation based on convenience is not real and people who do them will never know true love/real connection.
Can people not just do both? Experience true love, tick that off the bucket list, get married. Boom.click to expand
Posted by xoxflutePosted by PoloChatPosted by xoxflutePosted by PoloChatPosted by xoxflutePosted by PoloChatPosted by Arielle83
It just sounds like he’s talking to you as a friend.
Not sure how you would create interest over text.
Seems bland.
Honestly right now i am not looking for creating interest. I just want the conversation to flow even if it's just like as a friend.
I just don't know how should i go about now, initiating things or not.
Anything common between you and him?
I guess we attended the same college, graduated in the same year, have some common friends, both have never talked about it, so not 100% sure.
Then we worked in the same office.
Apart from that i don't know.
Do you both attend work functions? Or gatherings with coworkers? College reunions? You could always start with asking for his advice on something work related.
Now that's a problem coz he has switched jobs. And college reunions i have no idea about.
I would look into college reunions or any kind of gathering where both of you are present with other people, if possible. The idea here is what you ultimately wanna go for is finding things you can do with the Cap together as friends, and less on texting and messages.
I have this Cap friend that I don't really message much, but we often talk over food with a Leo and an Aries friend. I think with my late Cap friend, we often went for sushi buffets. Things of that sort.click to expand
Posted by pinkbird03Posted by JaraxPosted by pinkbird03Posted by JaraxPosted by pinkbird03
I was a gamer so I can relate very well to this. I think she’s enjoying someone elses company online and prefers to play with him over you.
Doesnt mean she doesn’t like you anymore. Your statements say she still does. Have you met her though?
Not yet but we've talked over FaceTime and sent pics and texts, etc. She still jokes about her reaction when she first saw me (she lost her mind in a good way and even now she'll talk dirty at times). In the early stages of talking, we would talk for 6-8+ hours a day everyday and there was even a conversation where she talked about a passed family member to me and cried to me over the phone about it and I consoled her about it and made her laugh. I don't think it's another guy simply because she has a thing for making tons of new friends online to play with. I just don't want to be so blunt with her and push her further away. I just figured if she wanted to talk or spend time with me at all that she would reach out y'know? Seems like the Cancerian thing to do.
Ok but why isn’t she including u in on the games? U know she’s a dime a dozen. All the guys flirt with her and she probably enjoys the attention even if she doesn’t like them. I didn’t say she doesn’t like you. In fact I said she does. But there is a reason she’s playing with other guys and not you.
Yeah something is definitely up. Sent a party invite while she was playing alone and after she finished her game, she just went offline. I feel like I have to just directly ask her what's up now.
Yes, try communicating with her.click to expand
Posted by CreativeCapYes girl spot on I completely agree with this. I think he has definitely got another love interest and he keeps me around to pass time. Our relationship is a phone call relationship I hardly see him unless we bump in to each other
It sounds like he is attracted to you but something is holding him back, possibly his gf or some other love interest. He offered to take you out but never did? That type of flaky behavior is unacceptable for a 4 year friendship and/ or potential lover. What type of friendship do y’all have? Just phone/?text convo?
He keeps you at arms length bc your the Nice girl that makes yourself available when he wants to chat or kill time. Him telling you that you are more than friends, he’s trying to keep you as an option if his main chick(s) fall through.
I would take a page from his book and ignore his calls and not respond to his texts.
Posted by CreativeCapYes girl spot on I completely agree with this. I think he has definitely got another love interest and he keeps me around to pass time. Our relationship is a phone call relationship I hardly see him unless we bump in to each other
It sounds like he is attracted to you but something is holding him back, possibly his gf or some other love interest. He offered to take you out but never did? That type of flaky behavior is unacceptable for a 4 year friendship and/ or potential lover. What type of friendship do y’all have? Just phone/?text convo?
He keeps you at arms length bc your the Nice girl that makes yourself available when he wants to chat or kill time. Him telling you that you are more than friends, he’s trying to keep you as an option if his main chick(s) fall through.
I would take a page from his book and ignore his calls and not respond to his texts.
Posted by rayofhopeI sincerely hope you choose your own happiness. When my mum left my dad it was tough but really we all grow up eventually, not saying it was easy but it's all part of growing up. I know how things will look or will continue to look to certain groups of people but I think for you as a Saggi it would eat you up inside out.Posted by aquasnoz
This might not be a popular opinion. I mean my own thought is leave and do what makes you happy but I suppose that's the easiest thing to say especially for westernised cultures. I thought I'd share this instead. Oh and also I don't think it's an aqua thing, people will generally take what they get, in regards to the affair and seems to be your husband is one of those takers.
My grandmother and my aunt have been in your situations, my grandma more so I feel, had to put up with a lot of things my grandpa got up to and that included sleeping with other women. For comparison sake it was the pacific war generation and my grandpa was one of the generals and certain exudes the man and dominance ideal, in fact, though she never told me I'm certain my grandma was more given to him at least this is what I gathered when she had to console my aunt when she went through the same thing.
Anyway, though I never heard about their honeymoon or lovestory I often hear about how much joy her kids brought her. She's one of the strongest person I know and I adore her, I think it was her perseverance and her love for family that pulled her through. She also had a lot of friends and extended family and she said it really help her through it but one thing she said to me was that she was never not happy just that for her there were no other choice. That conversation was the first time I've seen her cry and even the years before my grandpa passed she still looked after him.
Now my aunt spoke out verbally and gave my uncle an ultimatum and while that worked it still feels like they are just clutching at straws since the problem is that it already happened. They're staying together because of familiarity and nothing else. So I don't know how old you are but I will tell you your son's probably going to be affected one way or another and my personal view is to get out and raise him happy. I just can't dismiss the other option is that you can suck it up and never tell a soul until they've all grown up but that would be entirely up to you.
Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and stories. I feel like my life with him would most probably be like your aunts. Sucking it up and mot being verbal works for me for sometime till im done keeping it all in and then i blow up and it goes down hill. Your message did give me other options and maybe i need to pick one of the two things. Either i try and bury all my feelings for sake of my family and my son or i leave the thought of us being happy togther and just continue this marrige for the sake of it. With no strings attached for him or for me.click to expand
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