Posted by Silvia_MagiAstrology
Hi everybody,
I am an astrologer member and student of Magi Society. I am synastry expert based in Magi Astrology. Magy Astrology is a the most scientific astrological method because only use the principles that can prove based on studies and statistics.
Magi Astrology is quite different from pop or conventional astrology, it uses several dimensions and is not based on the house system, also some planets have different meanings because it is what has been proven.
I have several years of experience doing synastry reports as professionally, I have made hundreds without a mistake to date.
In this system time of birth is not essential, since it does not work with the house system and rising and moon only give some details about the relationship, the result does not change. There are only two most important aspects of the moon that can be formed but as it moves 15º a day I can see if they form or not.
Some Key Differences in Magi Astrology:
No birth time needed for stunning accuracy (though we always use birth time if we have it)
Again, there is no scientifically-accepted "moment of birth", and no atomic time until recently.
6 dimensions/ 6 charts, all with equal weight
Our research has conclusively proven that these are all are necessary to get a full and complete picture: Standard Zodiac12 Geocentric Longitudes (the only dimension used in pop astrology), Standard Zodiac12 Heliocentric Longitudes, Geocentric Declinations, Heliocentric Latitudes, Magi Zodiac7 Geocentric Longitudes, Magi Zodiac7 Heliocentric Longitudes.
Prime significance given to Planetary Geometry
Research has proven that Planetary Geometry is the strongest influence in ANY chart.
Very tight aspect orbs
Our research findings are very clear that the wide orbs used in pop astrology just aren't accurate.
Significant differences in Planetary Symbolisms for many planets
Research has shown that while some traditional meanings for planets are true, others are completely incorrect.
Transits lose their power once they begin to separate from exact
Again, the research is clear: once a transit peaks and begins to separate, it's no longer an active influence.
Principles of successful Natalizations (electional astrology)
All of our natalization principles are solely based on our 30 years of research.
Progressed planets' aspects & geometry with each other are most powerful
We call these Pure Progressions, and our statistical research is clear that they are stronger than other types of progressions.
Feel free to ask or comment what you want.
I apologize if my English is not good enough, it is not my native language.
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