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Posted by Sassysailorscout
Out !!
The girl that's friends with the love of my life is a Libra. Whaaaatttttttttt !! She is one of reasons for the breakup. The main reason I'm trying to stay away.. Wow my mind is blown !! Ughh
I've always been suspicious. Fuck fuck fuck !
Sorry to the nice libras but In hate mode !
Posted by RollergirlOrci think I could def. work out. need some extra work but, no one is perfect
What are your experiences with this odd couple (M libra, F cap)
Posted by trina__louiseHe starts off keen and enthusiastic and then pulls back. He always seems to find something "not perfect enough" about them and then ends it...Posted by MyStarsShine
I was married to a Virgo man for years...good guy, great dad but I do not envy the women he dates. He actually gave up because he was hurting them...
What do you mean by this how did he hurt them? I’m so confused by all this. I’m more of a yes or no type person and he is obviously unsure or playing it safe or just taking it slow like he said but to me it’s confusing. I’m trying to determine if it’s worth it to give it some times or he is playing me although I don’t think he intentionally is. I just don’t want to let myself get hurt if it’s not worth it. I definitely feel HE is worth it but I also don’t know where his head is really at, as Virgo’s are so unclearclick to expand
Posted by SassysailorscoutNo, I didn't go over...not after he said I was acting like a crazy stalker, lol. I told him not to worry, I don't go where I'm not wanted. I think he was just acting like that because he was hurt and jealous, he has shown jealous tendencies before. He has been cheated on in his past relationships, but I've never given him anything to worry about.
Wait ... did you end up going over there and talking to him ?
Why did he not want you over !? *say my name *say my name *
If you accuse me of cheating my first thought is that you cheated or are a cheater.
What's his relationship with Baby Mom ?
Also maybe he was mad you were at the party without him. And was taking care of someone else.
I'm not a Taurus.. But I would get so upset possessive when my guy would "help" his female friends. So I would make sure to "help" my guy friends. *mirror* but my Venus is in Leo sooooooo ...
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