A Night(s) at the Opera #5: Young and the Restless

Posted by PhoenixRising
Posted by AfternoonDelights22

Well the YR consistency with eps that can be found online wont even out some until April 89 unfortunately, but here is some of the Caged Climax

Brad has come down with a major fever while stuck in a cage. This fever caused Lisa to let Brad out of the cage. Lisa goes to the store to get drugs for him. Brad took the opportunity to call a cab to try and leave, but he passed out from the fever. However, Lauren (who is meeting Jack for a ski trip) ends up at the same store as Lisa. What will Lauren’s suspicions of Lisa cause?


prior to watching episode:

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Why was Lauren and Jack on a trip together?

How did Brad end up on the floor---outside of the cage? I'm guessing Lisa fell for his (Leeb) charm.

Why does Lisa ask stupid questions *yanks Scorp card throws it in the trash*

I totally expected Lisa to kick Brad's limp body when she realizes he was trying to leave, but that would be too much lol.

*smiles* at the fact that Lauren left a note at a store for Jack and he actually received it. Life before cell phones....

Lauren is clearly smarter than that random that believed Brad was Lisa's mentally ill husband that needed to be locked away to protect the public lol.

How is it that Brad was out cold, completely unresponsive, but suddenly becomes conscious and can stand up at the sound of Lauren's voice? And can talk and ask more silly questions?

Love the fact that Lauren sees Brad passed out on the floor, next to a cage and thinks Lisa is just going to let her take Brad out of the cabin...

User Submitted Image I guess...

Hate the fact that Lauren was completely useless. If they were in a room instead of a cage she'd suck the air right out of it panicking. Annoyed at the fact that Brad had to take time from almost slipping into a coma *side eye* to calm her down.

Lauren asks Lisa the stupidest of stupid questions "how are we going to get out of here?"...dying at the fact Lisa actually responded with "you're not". Life before the side eye...

And it gets better LOL...

"In the name of God Lisa, turn that gas off...and let us out of here. please *cough cough* please don't frighten us this way"

*lowers scarf* "I'm not trying to frighten you Brad. I'm trying to kill you". Lawd....I spit out my tea!

Lisa is bat sh*t crazy *slips her a conditional Scorp card*

After watching episode:

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Def a four star episode.
click to expand
lmao I love those scenes

I think she gotta keep the scorp card...

I think Lauren and Jack were getting closer than friends but both play too much

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