Posted by AfternoonDelights22
March 14 1989
Sound quality is low. Both Jill and Katherine are irritated with the other regarding a party for Phillip and Nina’s baby. Lauren and Jack discuss one of Lauren’s many woes with one of her exes. George’s illness is getting worse. George has since learned about Paul’s affair with Cassandra and is plotting Paul’s downfall.
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Posted by peachy06Posted by candykane38Posted by peachy06Posted by candykane38Posted by peachy06Posted by candykane38Posted by peachy06Posted by candykane38
what does it mean when they say a scorpio chooses you. you dont choose a scorpio.
It means we choose of crush not the other way. Basically if you are interested but we're not, don't waste your time, you are pretty much inexistant to us.
but then why string those your not interested in along i have noticed that scorpio men prefer women who are submissive the ones who tend to not want to question them or those who allows them to control them.
What ? I never said that. I don't participate in those things. I'm a Scoprio female, but I admit we like submissive people.
why do scorpios like submissive people is it based on them being controlling ?
Because I do ? I like being on top of my game, I hate bossy people.
i am a capricorn who tried dating two scorpios diffrent times to at the same time and i realize both men had the same thing with them they looked at me and think i was the submissive type until they start with their lies and mind games then i start questioning them and i am then cut off and friend zoned one was 52 lived alone lied that he was 49 and when i asked hom he had some lame story that never made any sense but still didnt acknowledge that was not his correct age the other was 32 and wanted to control who i went out with etc
Then no wonder why they lost interest in you. I always thought Cap and Scorpio can't work, since they're too bossy for us. We like to do our own thing without people interfering or questioning us. Caps need to mind their business unless they want to get on our to expand
Posted by saggurl88
It sounds like he likes you. The opening up thing, what is he supposed to be opening up to you about? You guys aren’t in a relationship, he won’t.
Do you like him still? You ignoring him and making things difficult could make him lose interest. It just depends on how much he already likes you.
If opening up means admitting that he likes you, he’s already said “just as friends” when put on the spot ( I wouldn’t believe that though) So did you ever end up saying anything to him or ask him if he was serious about that comment?
We like a challenge so sometimes all this back and forth torture is fun but again, just depends on how much he likes you.
You should tell him that the friendship isn’t like it used to be and ask him why. You can be direct and honest with a Sag. It’s been months, that so long to chase and be uncertain. You have too much patience. If he dines like you, he probably can’t tell that you like him with all the bad treatment you’re giving him, being very unfriendly.
Posted by AntiphatesThank you. I've been dying to receive this semi-approval from you ever since we started our exchange on this thread. Now on to turning that "semi" into "fully"! Wish me luck.Posted by BoomShakalakaBoomPosted by AntiphatesPosted by BoomShakalakaBoomPosted by AntiphatesPosted by BoomShakalakaBoomPosted by AntiphatesPosted by BoomShakalakaBoomPosted by AntiphatesPosted by BoomShakalakaBoomPosted by AntiphatesPosted by BoomShakalakaBoomPosted by AntiphatesPosted by BoomShakalakaBoomPosted by AntiphatesPosted by Black-MambaPosted by Antiphates
I think men generally tend to look better than females due to factors like jawline etc. that are usually more prominent for men.
are you on crack?
Only pessimistic realism which is basically just the absence of the delusional optimism bias "normal" people have.
If you call optimism bias, then you ought to call pessimism bias too. Two sides of the same coin.
That's the case for certain areas that revolve more about personal matters of the test subjects but for more general things the test revealed that "normal" people overestimate the influence they have over the world, which is what lead to the term of optimism bias.
Just as many people underestimate the influence they could have in the world, so I guess, again it is a matter of (personal) choice.
Obviously, the human perspective on reality is a very fragile oner after all, but that doesn rule out the findings of the study cases, although there are some criticisms to it as there are to almost all studies on such matters.
Sure, you can live your life having findings of study cases as your guiding light, or you can focus on making your own choices while sticking to your guns. I choose the latter.
Good for you.
Give it a try if you want, and see if it works for you too.
I prefer reason, but thank you for your concern.
But didn't you say earlier on in this thread that you preferred pessimistic realism? That definitely has nothing to do with reason. It has to do with choice.
Reason is a choice as much as being unreasonable, dogmatic, delusional are choices too.
Actually there is no such thing as 'being' reasonable, unreasonable, dogmatic, pessimistic, etc..
One can only ACT those ways.
Which is why I'd suggest not to take yourself so seriously as to delude yourself by adhering to the term "reason" in such a way that you pretend to be one with it.
That's a lot of assumption but feel free to continue to entertain me.
You don't need my entertainment. That's what you have your pessimistic realism for.
You are semi-correctclick to expand
Posted by tizianiStop trying to divide by zero!
Do you think there’ll be a day we see a synastry chart option that shows aspects between 4 people at once?
Posted by TaureantalksYou guys are just friends though. And you didn’t ask him directly if he was interested, so there wasn’t a need to say anything further other then you are just friends, which he said. That part is clear between both of you.Posted by saggurl88
It sounds like he likes you. The opening up thing, what is he supposed to be opening up to you about? You guys aren’t in a relationship, he won’t.
Do you like him still? You ignoring him and making things difficult could make him lose interest. It just depends on how much he already likes you.
If opening up means admitting that he likes you, he’s already said “just as friends” when put on the spot ( I wouldn’t believe that though) So did you ever end up saying anything to him or ask him if he was serious about that comment?
We like a challenge so sometimes all this back and forth torture is fun but again, just depends on how much he likes you.
You should tell him that the friendship isn’t like it used to be and ask him why. You can be direct and honest with a Sag. It’s been months, that so long to chase and be uncertain. You have too much patience. If he dines like you, he probably can’t tell that you like him with all the bad treatment you’re giving him, being very unfriendly.
Thanks for taking time to read it. Once upon a time I was crazy about him that’s true but not now. Time has the power to change anything.
I got over him now. I’m just being myself and that’s what is triggering his feelings it seems. I am not at all being available for him and that’s totally being me and not giving much importance to him. I am like this with all my just friends. But I think he’s still thinking where’s our friendship evaporated. As he mentioned we’re just friends, i’m being just friends to him. I’m not completely avoiding him, i’m not being too close to him. What do you think about the bad verbal treatment he’s giving me as I mentioned in my previous post? Do you think it’s his way of saying ‘I wanna join you?’ Or is he trying hurt me so I could lose my confidence and return back to him? Or is he being jealous? Why does Sags do that? Trying to hit on others confidence levels?click to expand
Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies
My scorpio colleague is married to his scorpio wife. They are so solid. He is very romantic in a very cute way towards her. Nothing is more important to him than her happiness that's for sure. They have two kids together. I get the feeling she wears the pants in their relationship but not in a bad way
Posted by GC102 years ago whenever I left this community you were GC02... How have you evolved from the person you were then to the person you are now as GC10?
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