Posted by ItsSupes21. More like pneumonia than the flu.
The good news is, for most people, the illness caused by the coronavirus is generally mild and the flu-like symptoms of fever and cough don't last long. The bad news is the virus is novel and highly contagious, and right now there is no vaccine. The elderly and those with compromised immune systems or chronic diseases can become very sick and in some cases die.
It’s the damn flu
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Posted by aquarius09Posted by PhantumPosted by aquarius09Posted by peachy06
Serve you right for leaving your ex gf for another woman. 👍🏼
The key point most people overlooked is precisely that. People you cheat on your partner with aka enablers ironically are also distrustful of the cheater. LOL. I don’t think she trusts you. If you can leave your girl for another woman you will do the same to her some day. There is nothing satisfying about “winning” such a person, especially for a guarded Aqua.
I had a Libra dude (go figure another Venusian who doesn’t know how to be single) who was willing to leave his gf for me and I ghosted him prior to him pulling the plug. I can’t stand people like that, let alone love them, who leave unhappy relationships until they find someone else. She doesn’t trust you and that’s why she’s inconsistent.
Did you entertain the Libra dude until he offered to pull the plug on his girlfriend and then decide he sucked? Cheating is cool but leaving the cheating situation is not?
I didn’t know he had a girlfriend. He came clean when he, in his head, made the decision to leave her. I was surprised to find that he had a gf and I’m the type of person who gets immediately repulsed by cheater. I immediately lost attraction for him and left the to expand
Posted by jeane
i realise this is a me thing, but you know, i don't need to hear your compliments. unless i know you, keep them to yourself.
Posted by GODZThis is a great outlook. I agree 100%
I had my first zero at the age of nine,
I've been punished four hour because i run in the stairs,
I had been fired of my school because I went in short, lol that one literally broke me mentally for two years.
I had a top grade but school decided to erase it and put me in retake for no particular reason.
I understood like meritocracy is a legend because you can be the best if someone don't like you they can just put you down.
If you are in a system when an other human has to choose you, you'll have chance to be destroyed for no particular reason.
There is some rare field with military discipline where ppl has respect and don't destroy you.
But imo you shouldn't focus that much on your work, invest in renting an apartment because at the end it's only money who count.
Idk your situation but you and your husband can try to by one, then two it will probably took like 10 years but you'll get happy to have that safety and never receive order or get judging ever.
Plus the happiness that you'll have when you finished to redesign those house and see that first pay on your account gonna make you forget those useless promotion
Posted by GODZ
man its worst, once i was complementing a girl on her shoes and she was like. "ah yeah? ah let's have a chit chat together😋😘".
Posted by MrsElleCappysnatchInteresting. I benefit from the laziness of others.
This usually means you've outgrown the current situation and you have to challenge yourself for bigger and better things.
I've been there.
Some people are comfortable with exactly where you are and end up stunting your growth.
Keep doing you, this is just part of this process.
Posted by ArilovesAquYes.
And I wanted to open up a dialogue and see where it goes. This is a mostly incoherent middle of the night thought so bare with me 🤣 I don’t even know where it’s going. Just thinking out loud.
I’ve been observing my coworkers for several years and I think there is a strange correlation between their choice of spouse and how they operate in the workplace.
Those with passive spouses treat colleagues like children. Less flexible to cooperation and working as a team, only wanting to do things their way because they think they know best.
Those who seem to treat their spouses as equal are more affable in general usually. They’re not as attached to certain outcomes. Is there resentment when you’re the sole decision maker in a relationship?
Obviously I’m not in anyone’s home and don’t see how they interact. I’m basing my opinions solely on how they speak about their spouses. A lot of people vent about their spouses now and then, sometimes just jokingly, but you can tell when there is a certain level of resentment.
I’m mostly wondering for myself. Does my relationship with my spouse play a role in how well I work as a team.
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