Posted by SkeletonPosted by LadymaraladePosted by Skeleton
Who the fuck are you?
Wow. What great manners you have. Were you born in a barn?
So you're a troll? Good to to expand
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Posted by 7thHouse😭😭😭 "shitty ass" 💀💀💀 why r u hopping into my forum passing judgement when you're not God. I came here to ask for advice on my situation but instead of giving helpful advice you decided to come here and bash me? What's your problem? Are you not happy in your day to day life that you feel the need to pass judgement and bully people on the internet. Nobody is perfect especially not you sweetie. And how were they "thrown" into the story...they were a part of it all! You're funny 😭😭😭 and yes, take a look at celebrities for proof! Rasheeda (Gemini) was cheated on by her husband, Kirk (Aquarius), who also had a whole nother baby from an affair and she still stuck by him even though he had numerous affairs. Another example, Faith Evans and Biggie. Biggie cheated on Faith with numerous women, even had Lil Kim on the side and she still stuck by him saying she was all "in love". Give me a break bitch! You obviously like to generalize but don't you realize everyone has different charts that make them act a certain way? Sheesh what's your sign? And if you say Gemini, I'm gonna bust out laughing cause you're SALTY 😂😂😂😂Posted by PhantumPosted by MissTaiLeePosted by PhantumPosted by ELIGAB
I completely stopped reading after sleeping with the cousin
yea you're friend with benefits but you could've slept with anyone but his cousin..
The first page with everyone saying it's not your fault is bullshit
They're delusional and probably have sag placements
Girl, I am not delusional. lol
He was bringing girls over to sleep with, including her best friend. Maybe she figured he brought the cousin over for her, since he was bringing so much sex.
I do see the cousin thing, though. That's gotta smart.
They're not "blood" cousins. They are cousins by choice because they were close as childhood friends. And Aquaman dropped that "cousin" quick cause after Geminiman found out we were official, he had the nerve to hmu asking to "chill" and to this day, he still tries to hmu
And as for my bestfriend, Geminiwoman, I had to drop her because after she and Aquaman did their thing she ended up going crazy about him. She stalked him on fb, she was constantly texting me asking why he wasn't answering her calls and she would call me asking to hangout, but when she came over she wouldn't even chill with me, she would try to interact with my roomie Aquaman and would bust into his room without him giving her permission. He finally told me I can't bring her over cause she kept invading his privacy, kept using me as a connection for her to get back in touch with him when he didnt want to so it got awkward between Geminiwoman and I.
So basically, Aquaman and I dropped both of our Geminis 💀💀💀💀 I'm pretty sure they both hate us 😭😭😭😭
Sag and Aqua using horny Geminis to score points on each other. Gemini hate crime!
JK, lol
That's a mess. So, things have been calm since then but he's not over it emotionally? Or are y'all still playing with each other?
Lol the word "Geminis" were just thrown in to make her look like she's not the only one messing the situation. More like Geminis do it so I'm OK sort of thing. Lol I doubt if they were even actually gems especially the woman. First off,, I don't know any gemini woman who does the chasing. Maybe the stalking on social media but not the too much calling etc. Even here on dxp. How many gemini women actually post about men ignoring them? Very very few. I can't even remember their usernames coz that's how few they are. I dunno any who gets hung up on men who don't show them interest. And second, I just get the feeling that gems were thrown in the situation to make her shitty ass look OK in the situation. Lolclick to expand
Posted by 7thHousePosted by MissTaiLeePosted by PhantumPosted by ELIGAB
I completely stopped reading after sleeping with the cousin
yea you're friend with benefits but you could've slept with anyone but his cousin..
The first page with everyone saying it's not your fault is bullshit
They're delusional and probably have sag placements
Girl, I am not delusional. lol
He was bringing girls over to sleep with, including her best friend. Maybe she figured he brought the cousin over for her, since he was bringing so much sex.
I do see the cousin thing, though. That's gotta smart.
They're not "blood" cousins. They are cousins by choice because they were close as childhood friends. And Aquaman dropped that "cousin" quick cause after Geminiman found out we were official, he had the nerve to hmu asking to "chill" and to this day, he still tries to hmu
And as for my bestfriend, Geminiwoman, I had to drop her because after she and Aquaman did their thing she ended up going crazy about him. She stalked him on fb, she was constantly texting me asking why he wasn't answering her calls and she would call me asking to hangout, but when she came over she wouldn't even chill with me, she would try to interact with my roomie Aquaman and would bust into his room without him giving her permission. He finally told me I can't bring her over cause she kept invading his privacy, kept using me as a connection for her to get back in touch with him when he didnt want to so it got awkward between Geminiwoman and I.
So basically, Aquaman and I dropped both of our Geminis 💀💀💀💀 I'm pretty sure they both hate us 😭😭😭😭
Cool story. But including Geminis as red herrings in the situation is of no help. This must be a troll post lolclick to expand
Posted by _DazedYou said in one of your responses, that Scorpio moons “have no soul”, while Scorpio suns choose to be void, and that there’s a difference. I get mostly what’s being said, especially about the sun. But can you elaborate more on what you mean with Scorpio moon?
Part 4
Ask any question unless it's stupid.
Posted by MikeNYNYCWhere is the initial response you're referring to?Posted by _Dazed
Part 4
Ask any question unless it's stupid.
You said in one of your responses, that Scorpio moons “have no soul”, while Scorpio suns choose to be void, and that there’s a difference. I get mostly what’s being said, especially about the sun. But can you elaborate more on what you mean with Scorpio moon?click to expand
Posted by TailthetaillessThis was the only thing that came to mind when trying to think of a song which would encompass an entire spectrum of something in a singular something.
Post 1 video only where the music and the vibes of the song matches the energy of your zodiac sign or your chart
Ok I will just start
Scorpio sun capricorn asc/ .
Posted by LittleStarPosted by LadyNeptunePosted by GODZ
Is the married men had an account on dxp ? Does he logged and does he made a post about his relationship about his mistress ?
Enough bullshit about sexism, I'm going my own way
Naw, he doesn't care enough to do all that. She's a convenient piece of ass for him, nothing more.
He has his hands full going to counselling with his wife. Doesn't want to go through an expensive divorce/alimony payments would be my guess.
They are both gross. The difference here is op didn't make a binding legal agreement to be loyal to someone, aka marriage.
The not wanting to pay alimony and divorce is how women end up dead.
But let’s pity the man! 😂click to expand
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