Posted by GirlygirlNadiaFuck MikePosted by _Dazed
- Lies to your face
- Admits to lying to your face
- Laughs about it in your face
Everyone else:
- Mike is a shady fuck
Mike seems like a gentle giant teddy bear 🧸click to expand
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Posted by KityyyyyyyI didn't even know that blocking her would even be considered as an option at this point. She upped and blocked me first. Fucking GHOSTED me. This was back in February. It's something that I may very well have to do now, but it definitely wasn't something that had to be put into consideration a week ago. Or even twenty-four hours ago. And I don't even know what would be the point in doing that. I called her five hours after that text, and she put me back on block AGAIN. So why block her if she's already blocked me? Again? Because she'll do it again, right? There's nothing stopping her from doing it again. But what if she wants to talk and reconcile and just doesn't know how to go about doing it? I mean, it is a Scorpio. I've had many a many of Scorpios go away from me and then come back after a certain period of time. I'm used to this. It's just... I want it to stop. I want something that's longstanding and that's forever. But I don't think I want it with them now. I've been hurt and damaged far too many times from Scorpio women. Consistently. And they're pretty fucking perfect. Fuck, man. I can't even think straight. I want to be finished with them. But I can't learn to let them go.Posted by JustaBoyPosted by KityyyyyyyPosted by JustaBoyPosted by Kityyyyyyy
We're not " all ", that bad. 😏The more evolved/mature Scorpio women, that have done the work and , reconciled with their former shadow side, tend to come out the other side slightly more refined and, less egotistical, personally speaking.
P.s. Hanging onto bitterness breads dis - ease. Try not to pass judgement and, deal with people on a case by case moreso. It may serve you well. 😁🦂🐣
I don't mean to generalize but if the shoes fits then you got to wear it. This Scorpio that I'm talking about was a mature and an "evolved" Scorpio. She's over fourteen years older than me. Damn near every planet that she has in her chart is in Scorpio except for like Jupiter and Pluto and whatever. Trust me. You would think that she's not like most other Scorpios but she pulls the same shit that each and every single other Scorpio do. Like playing these fucking childish games. I don't stalk. I don't chase after no woman. If you want me to leave you the fuck alone then so fucking be it, I will unhappily and begrudgingly do that for you but I promise you that you will not ever hear not another peep from out of me. I'll go my way and let you do you. But FUCK, why you gotta go and throw stones, throwing yourself back into my life like it's what I want when it's the last fucking thing that I want? This bored ass fucking bitch, bruh. Fuck this bitch and anyone who represents for her. Fuck everybody. That's how I'm feeling. I mind my own fucking business. But she wants to fuck with a nigga though. Like, why? There's nothing to gain by doing something like this. Trying to remind me that she's still around? That she still has my number on fucking speed dial? Misery loves company. This is what she wanted. She wanted to get into my head. She wants me to lose control. Cunt fucking bitch. These are your people. Just let that sink in.
Well, she's not evolved, otherwise she wouldn't be playing games with you. You must really love this woman to be so reactionary. Do your self a favour and throw this one back. She is doing it out of boredom or to stroke that ego. Don't enable her, or her appalling behavior. Go and find somebody worthy whom, loves you, just as much as you 💟 them.
Block and delete. 🦂🤝
She made love to me on valentine's day. So of course I feel a type of way about her. But I was moving on. And then she pulls this shit while it's all done in bad taste. It's just mean. It's mean spirited.
It is beyond reproach however. You need to remove the emotion out of this. Blocking her is the best thing for your sanity right now. By doing this, she cannot contact you and will give you some breathing room and calm, until YOU decide, what to do with her. 🤝💡click to expand
Posted by PhoenixStormFirst of all, I'm not a Pisces nor do I have Pisces anywhere in my chart. Second of all, I already posted about this woman and the situation way back when back when it first happened and if you weren't here to read it at the time, we'll then I don't know what to do for you. But the bitch said she wanted nothing to do with me (basically, might as well have) and now here she is texting me at 3am in the morning. Take from that whatever that you will from it.
“I'm trying to move past this "obsession" with all of these Scorpios that I have”
Maybe this is why you can’t keep just one. lol how many scorpios are you juggling, or am I reading this wrong?
What is the entire story? Why did the Scorpio tell you she never wanted to talk to you again? Scorpios don’t say that for shits and giggles. What did YOU do to make her say that? Typical manipulative Pisces shit to play the victim all the time. 🙄
Posted by tizianiWhat would a typical Mars event look like? I'm not sure how to apply 2nd house rulings to Mars either unless it meant aggressively acquiring possessions?
I felt like yes at first, but working through it I now feel they’re different.
For example Mars is the 2nd house ruler for Red person. That changes everything. Blue and Red’s perception of a Mars event is going be different.
Posted by LaPetiteEtoileYeah. There is a heavy Neptunian vibe to the entire synastry chart along with Red's ASC being in Pisces and their ruling planet (Neptune) being at home in the 12th house. I can see why it would look that way but so far it doesn't quite feel that quick or fleeting. With Neptune and Pluto all over though, I can't tell who has the "upper hand" here or if mutual attraction is even indicated (I'm not sure how strong Eros is in synastry so I didn't really touch on Red's Eros conjunct Blue's Mars and Venus or the Mars/Moon-Venus contacts).
They might feel like Moon/Neptune is pretty illusive too.
This reads like two ships passing in the night.
Posted by Wild_FloPosted by JustaBoyPosted by Wild_FloPosted by KityyyyyyyPosted by JustaBoyPosted by Kityyyyyyy
We're not " all ", that bad. 😏The more evolved/mature Scorpio women, that have done the work and , reconciled with their former shadow side, tend to come out the other side slightly more refined and, less egotistical, personally speaking.
P.s. Hanging onto bitterness breads dis - ease. Try not to pass judgement and, deal with people on a case by case moreso. It may serve you well. 😁🦂🐣
I don't mean to generalize but if the shoes fits then you got to wear it. This Scorpio that I'm talking about was a mature and an "evolved" Scorpio. She's over fourteen years older than me. Damn near every planet that she has in her chart is in Scorpio except for like Jupiter and Pluto and whatever. Trust me. You would think that she's not like most other Scorpios but she pulls the same shit that each and every single other Scorpio do. Like playing these fucking childish games. I don't stalk. I don't chase after no woman. If you want me to leave you the fuck alone then so fucking be it, I will unhappily and begrudgingly do that for you but I promise you that you will not ever hear not another peep from out of me. I'll go my way and let you do you. But FUCK, why you gotta go and throw stones, throwing yourself back into my life like it's what I want when it's the last fucking thing that I want? This bored ass fucking bitch, bruh. Fuck this bitch and anyone who represents for her. Fuck everybody. That's how I'm feeling. I mind my own fucking business. But she wants to fuck with a nigga though. Like, why? There's nothing to gain by doing something like this. Trying to remind me that she's still around? That she still has my number on fucking speed dial? Misery loves company. This is what she wanted. She wanted to get into my head. She wants me to lose control. Cunt fucking bitch. These are your people. Just let that sink in.
Well, she's not evolved, otherwise she wouldn't be playing games with you. You must really love this woman to be so reactionary. Do your self a favour and throw this one back. She is doing it out of boredom or to stroke that ego. Don't enable her, or her appalling behavior. Go and find somebody worthy whom, loves you, just as much as you 💟 them.
Block and delete. 🦂🤝
You don't even know the situation to be doing 'This' and agreeing with folks that you have no business agreeing with.
Don’t start with me after you’ve been trying to “hit me up”. I’m only providing solid advice and the other user basically said the same thing I did. Whatever frustration you have with the Scorpio, don’t direct it towards to expand
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