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Posted by nikkistar3 weeks to 1 month sometimes. In the case of Singapore, my govt IGNORED the issue of asymptomatic carriers (and even denied they knew about it, when they admitted such a presence in January this year lol), who now make up a substantial percentage of cases here.Posted by Arieschick92Posted by nikkistarPosted by Arieschick92Posted by nikkistar
I'm gonna guess the herp derp OP doesn't read any world news.
Cause if they had, they would have realized that 2 leading places, Hong Kong and Singapore, that the world was looking at as an ideal way of containing the virus, reopened. Hong Kong had something like 150 cases, when they reopened. Three weeks later, they both shut back down again because the virus had a resurgence again. Taiwan as well.
Lord, some of you should go outside. Darwin's theory, and all that jazz.
Yes, because they didn’t do SAFELY. Safely being the key word here. People should still have to wear masks, social distancing should still be enforced and capacity should be at only 25 percent. Hong Kong and Singapore implemented none of these precautions. That’s why things got out of control again. There wouldn’t have been any issues if they reopened safely.
They did. lol
But then the opened boarders, which is the issue in itself. Most of the new cases began from travelers. Which is the SAME problem the US would face, if all 50 states didn't reopen in phases. Which is your argument entirely. All you have to do, is have one person from a high population density, to infect areas with low population from travel.
In the state of Iowa, there are less then 12,000 cases in the state. With less than 300 deaths. The hot spots are within Tyson. Who's working conditions are tight and compact, which is the case of why there is such a large percentage of employees impacted. Our state still has JUST now gone into Phase 1 opening. And even with being allowed to reopen, many are voluntarily remaining closed for a few more additional weeks to make sure that the virus doesn't have a resurgence.
So if states with no major outbreaks is still being SUPER cautious, I would say, places like Long Island and NYC, with large density population should NOT be reopening for months at a time. HK, Taiwan, and Singapore should be leading examples as to why you shouldn't just want to reopen in a few weeks.
Your post comes off as you wanting to rush the process, when the process can't even be thought about when the area you live in, is in too close of a proximity of where the majority of cases is at.
I get where you’re coming from. I’m not saying we shouldn’t reopen in phases and be extremely cautious. But I’m also saying we shouldn’t blindly give up our rights and live in fear forever . People are already going out all the time now anyway cause it’s to the point where they’ve gone stir crazy in the house and understandably so. But even with everyone going out cases are still dropping by a wide margin because everyone is wearing masks . And maybe the masks give people a false sense of security but they sure seem to be working. So if they work at grocery stores and target, I see no reason they wouldn’t work in other businesses too
That's the issue though, just like HK/Singapore/Taiwan, you will not know the ramifications of the people that are not taking this as seriously as they should be. This virus can take up to 2 weeks to show any signs of infections. Look at what you just described in your response to me. People are out there going around, because they are stir crazy, without even understanding that the curve JUST started declining. In a state, who's daily death rate hasn't even gone below 200 yet.
Most East Asian countries have been wearing masks for years now, and it was still an issue.
I understand about constitutional rights, but the discussion to reopen can't be done until the numbers become more realistic. The world as we know it, will never be the same. There are many stores and shops that couldn't afford to be closed for a week, let alone months. Our anticipated economic decline is somewhere in the 40% range, the last time I read an economist report, which is almost 8 times worse than 2008.
It is not about fear, but for the general safety, that things need to go a certain way. There are states reopening. You just happen to live in an area, that unfortunately, will be impacted for months because it is an epicenter for a massive amount of cases that needs a lot more time to reopen than others. And for the safety of all, it is better to do it at a snails crawl, then to rely on people not being stupid and self absorbed, and possibly causing a second wave. Closing down NY, a second time, would be worse on the economy, than doing it EVER so slowly the first time.click to expand
Posted by dillpicklePosted by bkbella86Posted by dillpicklePosted by Arieschick92
If that’s the worst you can say about us I take it as a HUGE compliment. Especially since you gave zero evidence supporting your theory so you’re obviously trolling
bkbella come get your girl
Is your @ button broken, pussy?
nah i was just being lazyclick to expand
Posted by IxiDo I hear military intervention?Posted by nikkistarPosted by Arieschick92Posted by nikkistarPosted by Arieschick92Posted by nikkistar
I'm gonna guess the herp derp OP doesn't read any world news.
Cause if they had, they would have realized that 2 leading places, Hong Kong and Singapore, that the world was looking at as an ideal way of containing the virus, reopened. Hong Kong had something like 150 cases, when they reopened. Three weeks later, they both shut back down again because the virus had a resurgence again. Taiwan as well.
Lord, some of you should go outside. Darwin's theory, and all that jazz.
Yes, because they didn’t do SAFELY. Safely being the key word here. People should still have to wear masks, social distancing should still be enforced and capacity should be at only 25 percent. Hong Kong and Singapore implemented none of these precautions. That’s why things got out of control again. There wouldn’t have been any issues if they reopened safely.
They did. lol
But then the opened boarders, which is the issue in itself. Most of the new cases began from travelers. Which is the SAME problem the US would face, if all 50 states didn't reopen in phases. Which is your argument entirely. All you have to do, is have one person from a high population density, to infect areas with low population from travel.
In the state of Iowa, there are less then 12,000 cases in the state. With less than 300 deaths. The hot spots are within Tyson. Who's working conditions are tight and compact, which is the case of why there is such a large percentage of employees impacted. Our state still has JUST now gone into Phase 1 opening. And even with being allowed to reopen, many are voluntarily remaining closed for a few more additional weeks to make sure that the virus doesn't have a resurgence.
So if states with no major outbreaks is still being SUPER cautious, I would say, places like Long Island and NYC, with large density population should NOT be reopening for months at a time. HK, Taiwan, and Singapore should be leading examples as to why you shouldn't just want to reopen in a few weeks.
Your post comes off as you wanting to rush the process, when the process can't even be thought about when the area you live in, is in too close of a proximity of where the majority of cases is at.
I get where you’re coming from. I’m not saying we shouldn’t reopen in phases and be extremely cautious. But I’m also saying we shouldn’t blindly give up our rights and live in fear forever . People are already going out all the time now anyway cause it’s to the point where they’ve gone stir crazy in the house and understandably so. But even with everyone going out cases are still dropping by a wide margin because everyone is wearing masks . And maybe the masks give people a false sense of security but they sure seem to be working. So if they work at grocery stores and target, I see no reason they wouldn’t work in other businesses too
That's the issue though, just like HK/Singapore/Taiwan, you will not know the ramifications of the people that are not taking this as seriously as they should be. This virus can take up to 2 weeks to show any signs of infections. Look at what you just described in your response to me. People are out there going around, because they are stir crazy, without even understanding that the curve JUST started declining. In a state, who's daily death rate hasn't even gone below 200 yet.
Most East Asian countries have been wearing masks for years now, and it was still an issue.
I understand about constitutional rights, but the discussion to reopen can't be done until the numbers become more realistic. The world as we know it, will never be the same. There are many stores and shops that couldn't afford to be closed for a week, let alone months. Our anticipated economic decline is somewhere in the 40% range, the last time I read an economist report, which is almost 8 times worse than 2008.
It is not about fear, but for the general safety, that things need to go a certain way. There are states reopening. You just happen to live in an area, that unfortunately, will be impacted for months because it is an epicenter for a massive amount of cases that needs a lot more time to reopen than others. And for the safety of all, it is better to do it at a snails crawl, then to rely on people not being stupid and self absorbed, and possibly causing a second wave. Closing down NY, a second time, would be worse on the economy, than doing it EVER so slowly the first time.
That is also one huge piece of the issue. Reopen too soon and you can literally make the very protesters fear that much worse. Including practically guaranteeing government intervention to mandate you stay inside. You don't want to go there especially not under this Administration who may just get a taste for emergency powers.
This stay at home order is not a crisis of government, its a product of the fact our gov't isn't entirely brain dead...yet.click to expand
Posted by WhorpioAre you sure he's an ISTJ? ISTJ's doesn't like talking much and would prefer to hire an agent to do all the talking for them. Or better yet, let all their actions talk for them.Posted by mrfish23
Agreed. Their sexual history most of the times is rich and vast lol
My bf is a May gemini and he was a Virgin when we met. Though he was accustomed to internet/Skype sex if that says anything.
He considers himself an introvert, but he talks A LOT so I’m not convinced. But according to the MBTI he is an ISTJ.
I could see him being a mischievous parent. Ffs he trained my dog to bark at us and he wants to get a beagle because of their obnoxious howling/barking.
My mom is a June gemini. She is an introvert (ISFP). She was a good parent. She is super emotional. I don’t think she’s sexually promiscuous since she’s been married to my dad for 30 years, but she is a feminist and pro-women doing whatever the fuck they want.click to expand
Posted by Ram416😥Posted by MyStarsShinePosted by Ram416Posted by MyStarsShinePosted by Arieschick92Posted by xy_sigh
Understandable where you're coming from.
I just want families to be able to feed their kids again.
Wow..people can't feed their kids?? That'd never happen in some societies. Don't you have food banks or temporary help whilst we need to stay home?
I can't tell if you're being facetious or serious lmao.
That's why supermarkets, grocery stores remain open. For people to feed their kids.
I think you've known me long enough to get my brand of sarcastic humour Ram? 😀
How are you coping with it all?
We are doing OK. But the whole WFH thing is finally taking its toll. We've been doing WFH since early February because we don't trust our govt.
Lockdown has been extended till June 1st, but our govt is planning to gradually open businesses, starting from May 12th.
We still haven't been able to flatten the curve, and number of cases still fluctuates between 600-1000 a day. We are now at 22,000 cases, with less than 10% discharged from hospitals. While the death rate is extremely low (at 20 deaths so far), I am not sure how much more our medical infrastructure can handle the hundreds of cases each day. Mostly like, if Covid-19 doesn't get those of us seeking medical aid, other illnesses may. We already have medical staff getting infected from working with cases.
A friend of mine wrote an article in April about the way the Singapore govt handled the pandemic. You might find it an interesting read.
#more" data-url="http://akikonomu.blogspot.com/2020/04/was-singapore-just-unlucky-in-its.html#more" target="_blank">http://akikonomu.blogspot.com/2020/04/was-singapore-just-unlucky-in-its.html#moreclick to expand
Posted by IxiI'm speculating lockdown --> reopen-->surge in cases and reinfections (especially false positives) --> 2nd lockdown --> military intervention.Posted by Ram416Posted by IxiPosted by nikkistarPosted by Arieschick92Posted by nikkistarPosted by Arieschick92Posted by nikkistar
I'm gonna guess the herp derp OP doesn't read any world news.
Cause if they had, they would have realized that 2 leading places, Hong Kong and Singapore, that the world was looking at as an ideal way of containing the virus, reopened. Hong Kong had something like 150 cases, when they reopened. Three weeks later, they both shut back down again because the virus had a resurgence again. Taiwan as well.
Lord, some of you should go outside. Darwin's theory, and all that jazz.
Yes, because they didn’t do SAFELY. Safely being the key word here. People should still have to wear masks, social distancing should still be enforced and capacity should be at only 25 percent. Hong Kong and Singapore implemented none of these precautions. That’s why things got out of control again. There wouldn’t have been any issues if they reopened safely.
They did. lol
But then the opened boarders, which is the issue in itself. Most of the new cases began from travelers. Which is the SAME problem the US would face, if all 50 states didn't reopen in phases. Which is your argument entirely. All you have to do, is have one person from a high population density, to infect areas with low population from travel.
In the state of Iowa, there are less then 12,000 cases in the state. With less than 300 deaths. The hot spots are within Tyson. Who's working conditions are tight and compact, which is the case of why there is such a large percentage of employees impacted. Our state still has JUST now gone into Phase 1 opening. And even with being allowed to reopen, many are voluntarily remaining closed for a few more additional weeks to make sure that the virus doesn't have a resurgence.
So if states with no major outbreaks is still being SUPER cautious, I would say, places like Long Island and NYC, with large density population should NOT be reopening for months at a time. HK, Taiwan, and Singapore should be leading examples as to why you shouldn't just want to reopen in a few weeks.
Your post comes off as you wanting to rush the process, when the process can't even be thought about when the area you live in, is in too close of a proximity of where the majority of cases is at.
I get where you’re coming from. I’m not saying we shouldn’t reopen in phases and be extremely cautious. But I’m also saying we shouldn’t blindly give up our rights and live in fear forever . People are already going out all the time now anyway cause it’s to the point where they’ve gone stir crazy in the house and understandably so. But even with everyone going out cases are still dropping by a wide margin because everyone is wearing masks . And maybe the masks give people a false sense of security but they sure seem to be working. So if they work at grocery stores and target, I see no reason they wouldn’t work in other businesses too
That's the issue though, just like HK/Singapore/Taiwan, you will not know the ramifications of the people that are not taking this as seriously as they should be. This virus can take up to 2 weeks to show any signs of infections. Look at what you just described in your response to me. People are out there going around, because they are stir crazy, without even understanding that the curve JUST started declining. In a state, who's daily death rate hasn't even gone below 200 yet.
Most East Asian countries have been wearing masks for years now, and it was still an issue.
I understand about constitutional rights, but the discussion to reopen can't be done until the numbers become more realistic. The world as we know it, will never be the same. There are many stores and shops that couldn't afford to be closed for a week, let alone months. Our anticipated economic decline is somewhere in the 40% range, the last time I read an economist report, which is almost 8 times worse than 2008.
It is not about fear, but for the general safety, that things need to go a certain way. There are states reopening. You just happen to live in an area, that unfortunately, will be impacted for months because it is an epicenter for a massive amount of cases that needs a lot more time to reopen than others. And for the safety of all, it is better to do it at a snails crawl, then to rely on people not being stupid and self absorbed, and possibly causing a second wave. Closing down NY, a second time, would be worse on the economy, than doing it EVER so slowly the first time.
That is also one huge piece of the issue. Reopen too soon and you can literally make the very protesters fear that much worse. Including practically guaranteeing government intervention to mandate you stay inside. You don't want to go there especially not under this Administration who may just get a taste for emergency powers.
This stay at home order is not a crisis of government, its a product of the fact our gov't isn't entirely brain dead...yet.
Do I hear military intervention?
A lot of folks believe it can't happen here, but academics are like any day now.click to expand
Posted by Jumpin_JupiterPosted by WhorpioMy bf is a May gemini and he was a Virgin when we met. Though he was accustomed to internet/Skype sex if that says anything.
He considers himself an introvert, but he talks A LOT so I’m not convinced. But according to the MBTI he is an ISTJ.
I could see him being a mischievous parent. Ffs he trained my dog to bark at us and he wants to get a beagle because of their obnoxious howling/barking.
My mom is a June gemini. She is an introvert (ISFP). She was a good parent. She is super emotional. I don’t think she’s sexually promiscuous since she’s been married to my dad for 30 years, but she is a feminist and pro-women doing whatever the fuck they want.
Are you sure he's an ISTJ? ISTJ's doesn't like talking much and would prefer to hire an agent to do all the talking for them. Or better yet, let all their actions talk for them.click to expand
Posted by MyStarsShineBecause they were thinking about our GDP and $ $ $ . Greed.Posted by Ram416Posted by MyStarsShinePosted by Ram416Posted by MyStarsShinePosted by Arieschick92Posted by xy_sigh
Understandable where you're coming from.
I just want families to be able to feed their kids again.
Wow..people can't feed their kids?? That'd never happen in some societies. Don't you have food banks or temporary help whilst we need to stay home?
I can't tell if you're being facetious or serious lmao.
That's why supermarkets, grocery stores remain open. For people to feed their kids.
I think you've known me long enough to get my brand of sarcastic humour Ram? 😀
How are you coping with it all?
We are doing OK. But the whole WFH thing is finally taking its toll. We've been doing WFH since early February because we don't trust our govt.
Lockdown has been extended till June 1st, but our govt is planning to gradually open businesses, starting from May 12th.
We still haven't been able to flatten the curve, and number of cases still fluctuates between 600-1000 a day. We are now at 22,000 cases, with less than 10% discharged from hospitals. While the death rate is extremely low (at 20 deaths so far), I am not sure how much more our medical infrastructure can handle the hundreds of cases each day. Mostly like, if Covid-19 doesn't get those of us seeking medical aid, other illnesses may. We already have medical staff getting infected from working with cases.
A friend of mine wrote an article in April about the way the Singapore govt handled the pandemic. You might find it an interesting read.
#more" data-url="http://akikonomu.blogspot.com/2020/04/was-singapore-just-unlucky-in-its.html#more" target="_blank">http://akikonomu.blogspot.com/2020/04/was-singapore-just-unlucky-in-its.html#more
Thanks Ram I had a quick look, very well written. It seems sadly, the lockdown came too lateclick to expand
Posted by IxiWe've resorted to Black Mirror type intervention here lolPosted by Ram416Posted by IxiPosted by Ram416Posted by IxiPosted by nikkistarPosted by Arieschick92Posted by nikkistarPosted by Arieschick92Posted by nikkistar
I'm gonna guess the herp derp OP doesn't read any world news.
Cause if they had, they would have realized that 2 leading places, Hong Kong and Singapore, that the world was looking at as an ideal way of containing the virus, reopened. Hong Kong had something like 150 cases, when they reopened. Three weeks later, they both shut back down again because the virus had a resurgence again. Taiwan as well.
Lord, some of you should go outside. Darwin's theory, and all that jazz.
Yes, because they didn’t do SAFELY. Safely being the key word here. People should still have to wear masks, social distancing should still be enforced and capacity should be at only 25 percent. Hong Kong and Singapore implemented none of these precautions. That’s why things got out of control again. There wouldn’t have been any issues if they reopened safely.
They did. lol
But then the opened boarders, which is the issue in itself. Most of the new cases began from travelers. Which is the SAME problem the US would face, if all 50 states didn't reopen in phases. Which is your argument entirely. All you have to do, is have one person from a high population density, to infect areas with low population from travel.
In the state of Iowa, there are less then 12,000 cases in the state. With less than 300 deaths. The hot spots are within Tyson. Who's working conditions are tight and compact, which is the case of why there is such a large percentage of employees impacted. Our state still has JUST now gone into Phase 1 opening. And even with being allowed to reopen, many are voluntarily remaining closed for a few more additional weeks to make sure that the virus doesn't have a resurgence.
So if states with no major outbreaks is still being SUPER cautious, I would say, places like Long Island and NYC, with large density population should NOT be reopening for months at a time. HK, Taiwan, and Singapore should be leading examples as to why you shouldn't just want to reopen in a few weeks.
Your post comes off as you wanting to rush the process, when the process can't even be thought about when the area you live in, is in too close of a proximity of where the majority of cases is at.
I get where you’re coming from. I’m not saying we shouldn’t reopen in phases and be extremely cautious. But I’m also saying we shouldn’t blindly give up our rights and live in fear forever . People are already going out all the time now anyway cause it’s to the point where they’ve gone stir crazy in the house and understandably so. But even with everyone going out cases are still dropping by a wide margin because everyone is wearing masks . And maybe the masks give people a false sense of security but they sure seem to be working. So if they work at grocery stores and target, I see no reason they wouldn’t work in other businesses too
That's the issue though, just like HK/Singapore/Taiwan, you will not know the ramifications of the people that are not taking this as seriously as they should be. This virus can take up to 2 weeks to show any signs of infections. Look at what you just described in your response to me. People are out there going around, because they are stir crazy, without even understanding that the curve JUST started declining. In a state, who's daily death rate hasn't even gone below 200 yet.
Most East Asian countries have been wearing masks for years now, and it was still an issue.
I understand about constitutional rights, but the discussion to reopen can't be done until the numbers become more realistic. The world as we know it, will never be the same. There are many stores and shops that couldn't afford to be closed for a week, let alone months. Our anticipated economic decline is somewhere in the 40% range, the last time I read an economist report, which is almost 8 times worse than 2008.
It is not about fear, but for the general safety, that things need to go a certain way. There are states reopening. You just happen to live in an area, that unfortunately, will be impacted for months because it is an epicenter for a massive amount of cases that needs a lot more time to reopen than others. And for the safety of all, it is better to do it at a snails crawl, then to rely on people not being stupid and self absorbed, and possibly causing a second wave. Closing down NY, a second time, would be worse on the economy, than doing it EVER so slowly the first time.
That is also one huge piece of the issue. Reopen too soon and you can literally make the very protesters fear that much worse. Including practically guaranteeing government intervention to mandate you stay inside. You don't want to go there especially not under this Administration who may just get a taste for emergency powers.
This stay at home order is not a crisis of government, its a product of the fact our gov't isn't entirely brain dead...yet.
Do I hear military intervention?
A lot of folks believe it can't happen here, but academics are like any day now.
I'm speculating lockdown --> reopen-->surge in cases and reinfections (especially false positives) --> 2nd lockdown --> military intervention.
Because human beings are unpredictable. And sometimes that's when we can become a danger to ourselves as well as others around us.
If the military gets involved (the federal forces) that means something has gone very very wrong.
Chances are the state national guard would step in first...but either way its not a long way off from disaster at that point. One armed conflict with the Guard and all hell breaks out. **looks around** well...more hell.click to expand
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