How is my Capricorn boyfriend so incredibly messy???

Posted by F0RTUNA

A shoe on the kitchen counter? Disgusting. 🤮
Haha that was a made-up example! But there will be belts left on the kitchen counter, leaves clothes on the bathroom floor even after I put a basket in there for his clothes, leaves his car tools in my office, on every table in the house, shoes everywhere, clothes everywhere, his work bag left on the living room floor, etc etc. It's not even an "organized chaos" that some call it. He can never find anything! Haha

I agree about the blowing up the kitchen. I don't get it. 90% of the time, I make food and just clean up as I go. We all have our days we are tired, but EVERY TIME it stays a mess for at least the rest of the day, if not a few days until I get so fed up I just put everything away myself. If I was a housewife, I wouldn't mind reorganizing the house every few days. But we are both working and split everything evenly. I just never thought someone with a Cap stellium would have this issue

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