How is my Capricorn boyfriend so incredibly messy???

Posted by Scheherazade
Posted by HouseTwelverGem
Posted by Scheherazade

You should make a chart of what needs to be done.

However I do think whoever doesn’t cook should clean. To distribute labor.

Is it mostly clutter or is it just dirty?

We have a weekly chore chart, and he ignores it whenever he can. I am not his mom so I hate reinforcing it but I have to remind him even though its on a whiteboard on our fridge. He has improved in the recent months because I made it very clear that I could not live in a house like this. Relationships are as much logistics as they are love! (why do I sound like the Cappy here... haha) But it is so second nature for him to leave shit everywhere and he has to REALLY try to be somewhat clutter free.

It's mostly clutter, if he cleans he will do the bare minimum so it's not dirty (mop, wipe down counters, vacuum, dishes). However there is stuff everywhere, complete lack of organization, and he destroys whatever room he enters hahaha

Maybe he just needs a spot for everything? Do you have enough storage? Is he buying a lot of stuff?

The Marie Kondo method as cheesy as it is helped me a lot so it may work for him.
click to expand
He doesn't buy a ton of random stuff (that's actually more me, I just keep it organized) but whatever he does own just never stays in any one spot. Clothes are a big thing and so I put a laundry basket in the room, the bathroom, and the laundry room next to the kitchen so at least he can throw his clothes in there. They end up on the ground next to each basket. HAHAHA I can't make this stuff up!

We have discussed buying a bigger home so that he can have his "man cave" and keep his clutter in his own space where it won't drive me insane smile

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