Posted by hydorah
good as friends, not for love
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Posted by exoskeleton_Guess what ? i feel about some of that too.
i know this thread in mosty in jest but *smooths skirt and stands at podium*
being a scorp is like being invisible or blinking arrows are over your head at all times.
like reliving memories better than ashton kutcher in the butterfly effect.
like deleting your history 3 times in attempt to hide something that's not even that weird. or is it?
like diagnosing yourself with schizophrenia for 2 whole minutes, then realizing not everything is about you and everything is connected and shit's not that deep. or is it?
like seeing and feeling illness, injustice, selfishness, self-hate, self-pity, ego, manipulation, struggle, pain and suffering in every interaction. in everything.
like seeing and feeling beauty, compassion, peace, serenity, empathy, acceptance in every interaction, in everything. pms? mood swings?
like feeling like a baby aphrodite once you've learned your sexual power and inner confidence.
like listening to an air sign talk for a half hour and you can't believe they haven't noticed you tuned out.
like fapping off to the same fantasy/complex as 5+ years ago, and you know it's unhealthy, but it still feels real good.
like walking towards God, but partying with the devil a few times on the way.
like having daredevil, adrenaline junkie tendencies and not giving a fuck.
like never being truly seen at the core of your being, your spirit.
like never getting back the same kind of love and loyalty that you give others.
Posted by RipeBut why...? She's not a psychologist!
How wrong would it be if I actually told her that I kind of turned her down 4-5 years ago?
She's a friend of a friend who really wanted to introduce us together cause she thought we're a great match. I turned the idea down when I found out that shes a psychiatrist. Kind of freaked me out... I mean, how would our arguments go?
Fast forward some years and my sister really wants to introduce me to someone cause she thinks that we're a great match. It's the same person...
Posted by Arielle83He said he didn’t feel good and was not near his phone. I guess it’s kinda degrading me calling him and he is not answeringPosted by LoggerPosted by Arielle83Posted by Missscorpio30Posted by jezzyboo21Posted by Missscorpio30
I found this on social media and I can’t help but to think it’s true:
Scorpio the warrior- will never leave you no matter how badly you treat her.
I’m starting to believe it’s true! I have another Virgo that’s mistreating me. I stick around because I mistreated him first but now it’s out of hand. He has disappeared on me and I keep calling him I just can’t let go. I really feel like I’m doomed in relationships since I can’t enforce proper boundaries. I thought I had it all together but it’s like when I try to be understanding in relationships I’m always getting the short end of the stick being with someone who mistreats me.
what does he do to mistreat you?
He disappeared Saturday. We haven’t seen each other since December but talked on occasion but out of the blue he texted me and we started back being friends I couldn’t see him at the time so this Saturday we were suppose to meet he said to call when I get on his side. I called and he didn’t answer and I haven’t heard from him since. He is seeing me call and text but won’t answer. He knows how I feel I haven’t been touched in 5 months trying to get over him but something just pulls me back to him. I’m crying now can’t get him off my mind. It’s so unhealthy I just don’t know why this is happening
How is this mistreatment?
Now I’m thinking you’re just melodramatic and crying wolf because you’ve made it his fault you’re horny.
It's mistreatment because he said he would meet, she called him, and he wouldn't answer. That's the worst type of abuse/mistreatment. Come on're smarter than this!
Sorry dude, if that’s the worst that’s happened, she should consider herself lucky.
Being ghosted is definitely not abuse/mistreatment. Being ghosted is not getting attention. There’s a big friggin difference. She chose to wait that time. He isn’t beating her up or degrading to expand
Posted by ScheherazadeBabe,Posted by RipePosted by _DazedPosted by MaraiPosted by _Dazed
If you had the choice of surviving on nothing but ketchup for one day, or being tortured to death this very moment.. which would you choose?
Ketchup obviously. You can go without food for a few days easily
What kind of sadistic shit are you on, buddy?
You won’t understand, you aren’t a Scorpioclick to expand
Posted by WhorpioI will be suspicious but pretend im not suspicious and welcome him/her.
If someone who you regularly feuded with randomly had a change of heart and started being cordial with you, would you be suspicious of their intentions? Or do you just assume there’s been a breakthrough in your acquaintanceship?
I feel like years ago when I found myself in this similar situation I assumed they changed their mind about me, but after cumulative experience over the years I’m suspicious 👀
Is this what it means to be a Scorpio?
Posted by _DazedI go every day now. I used to drop a log every week tho.
How regular are your bowel movements?
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