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Posted by Generous_LibraI know it is my fault. I meant he seems so cold cause I have told him before a couple of times how hes being distant and he actually blamed me for being distant which isnt true. He seems to not care about my needs. I am not a cheater that is why I felt immense guilt and told him rightaway but in return he chose to avoid me and not even talk at all. And its not that I slept with someone!! I dont have any feelings for anyone else but him. I just wanted his attention and he neglected my needs that I expressed several times before. I am just mad at his coldness.Posted by TxOgal
@Generous_Libra that is the total opposite to what I was gona text him, I already sent him long sincere apologies which his response to was silence. Now I will give him a day, if he didnt talk to me, I will send him a message saying how he didn't even bother to call me say these words, and how he's been playin and wasn't serious from the start. How I opened my heart to him and got him into my life, which is all my fault.
He really gets on my nerves with his carelessness. I know that he is now just spending time with his friends having fun, and I've been waiting on him to even respond to me. How I expressed myself before that he neglected me and he still continues to do it. It seems like he's playin to me
I read your post again, and I don't see the part where he did you wrong, he did not give you much attention, that's how Geminis are wired, don't expect them to be up your face all the time, he offered friendship and now he's an Ahole? trust me if he was done with you he wouldn't even talk to you again, and you go and talk to another guy after an argument in a blink of an eye, I'm sorry but it doesn't make any sense but it's your call honey I'm just trying to help here.
Good luckclick to expand
Posted by LostthoughtsPosted by virgokingPosted by LostthoughtsPosted by virgokingPosted by LostthoughtsPosted by virgokingPosted by LostthoughtsPosted by virgoking
Me no but I don't think women can be alpha. But for conversation I will used that term. Basically the strong independent types that always have attitude aka masculine women. If so what's your sun, moon and Venus sign.
I question your definition of Alpha. Most see it as strictly dominance. That isn't what it's about.
Alpha: it's leadership and decision making.Shotcaller. Independent thinkers who can be trusted with the responsibility that comes with that.
You lead through people respecting you not intimidation.
A true Alpha can lead other Alpha without arrogance. A Major doesn't tell the police chief how to do their job. The Mayor tells the chief what needs to be done and focused on.
That being said I love Alpha woman. I don't care for submissive woman. Submissive in the relationship is fine but not in life. I want a someone who I can rely on to hold their own in the areas they lean towards. A partner.
Communication with these type of woman is so much better and a breath of fresh air. Lol they are a lot more passionate in bed too.
Virgo Taurus Libra.
That's the male version of alpha. When women call them self's alpha they act like what I subscribe. Challenging for the sake of it. You will find out it's a reason you never see high level men with quote on quote alpha females. Like I said before women really can't be alpha.
Wtf? A Alpha is a Alpha.
Dude you live in a very narrow minded world the best of luck to you 😄
No sir you have a lot of growing up to do.
No dude. You seem to be too hung Up on identify politics and other useless social stereotypes. It's blinded and corrupted your logic. Alpha and the other terms in that category describe social behavior pattern and mindset. It's by no means gender specific.
If you can not recognize and acknowledge this in someone because of your narrow mindedness, your going to shoot yourself in the foot. Every time you come across one and for multiple reasons. Basically your handicapping yourself.
I should just leave it like that but I'm awfully curious as to why you believe the way you do. Care to elaborate?
were you trying to say identity politics if so your projecting nothing here is about identity politics. I just ask a simple question for the few men that said they like alpha women I didn't attack them. That's there right so what's the beef.
You said "woman can't "really" be alpha". This is what I'm asking about.
The reason you mentioned to support this was they are "just being difficult for the sake of it" so doesn't count. I could understand if you said from your experience woman are like that but you didn't.
Then there is the reason why you said high level men wouldn't want a Alpha female.
This reasoning is rather weak and counter intuitive actually. A very busy person would want someone that can hold their own. Who wants to come home after 8+ hours and basically run the home environment too?
A real Alpha can work with others. It's gender neutral by definition, even in nature🙂
I'm sorry your logic just seems off. That is why I asked for clarification and why I suspect identity politics or straight misogyny. Really leaning towards the later given your post history and choice of words a lot of the time.click to expand
Posted by Fantamaybe..Posted by TxOgalPosted by FantaPosted by TxOgalPosted by FantaPosted by TxOgalPosted by Fanta
How do you slip and text someone? Are you sure you didn't do it and then tell him about it to make him jealous?
I was feeling so down cause of him being so careless about me, It seems that I took the attention I got.. that's how I slipped. I did not stop his flirting, I just went along with itnow I regret it ..
Did you tell him that? Can you see how he might have viewed that as vindictive or manipulative? Whether it was intentional or not, it's clear it wasn't an effective ploy to get him to stop the behavior you didn't like.
Yes I told him the truth silly methat I talked to someone.... I changed my words later in a message saying it didnt happen and I was getting back at him to make him feel what I felt, neglecting me like that and favoring time with his friends over me (which is true but he denies and lies about it)
"Changed" your words? He's likely smarter than you think and is probably hurt that you'd attempt to play games and lie to him.
I know he doesn't buy it. But he lied to me before too. And I am really so mad over it. I'm not stupid either... seems like I want out.. sucks that I loved him
Do you do to him what you just did to us...show an innocent sweet side, and then when challenged, say something mean that belies what you really feel?click to expand
Posted by virgoking
By the way a lot of women on Instagram have that look that's how you know they have a lot of bodies on them. This is what men know but we don't talk about it.
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