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Posted by Chicadee
another user posted a link to a site about this aspect, an interpretation, from dec 22nd.. I read it, I forget the guy's name, maybe they'll come around and post it again. It was about 80% correct, and spot on with the pandemic activity.
Also noted there's about 3 conjunctions lending this one some juice...
Just looking at the ingredients already it's going to be an ugly year. I'd almost like to hide in Canada like..from Halloween until maybe January 2021..
Posted by Klh1203
I kept accusing him of cheating on me (due to my own insecurities from a past relationship) the accusations became too much for him he just broke up with me and left.
Now I feel like he doesn’t trust me because I was doing too much. We stopped talking for 2 weeks until I reached out to him and now we are taking it day by day but it seems like his shell is hard right now and I can’t get inside.
Whenever we speak he seems happy to speak to me but it’s like he’s protecting himself also.
Posted by pinkbird03I’ve been ok babe I’ve deleted my snapchat so I can’t message you anymore. And I’m like that with every guy I meet so i don’t know
Hi girlie! How have you been? Do you believe him or do you believe something is shady? He’s been giving you doubts for awhile and I know you’re back and forth in your mind.
Posted by SeaLionYou’re right. I need to truly heal from what I’ve been through in the past I just don’t know how to heal. Before I met him I was single for a while and I was fine but it’s like as soon as I meet someone I just do the most😢
No one wants to be accused of doing something they aren't doing over and over again. It gets old real quick. Why dont you stay single for a while and work on yourself before getting into a relationship?
Posted by Klh1203
I kept accusing him of cheating on me (due to my own insecurities from a past relationship) the accusations became too much for him he just broke up with me and left.
Now I feel like he doesn’t trust me because I was doing too much..
Posted by Black-Mamba
A copy of the California lawsuit (filed on 26 April 2016) shared via the Scribd web site outlined the allegations, which included the accusation that Trump and Epstein had (over 20 years earlier) “sexually and physically” abused the then 13-year-old plaintiff and forced her “to engage in various perverted and depraved sex acts” — including being “forced to manually stimulate Defendant Trump with the use of her hand upon Defendant Trump’s erect penis until he reached sexual orgasm,” and being “forced to engage in an unnatural lesbian sex act with her fellow minor and sex slave, Maria Doe, age 12, for the sexual enjoyment of Defendant Trump” — after luring her to a “series of underage sex parties” by promising her “money and a modeling career”:
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