Your Sign vs God

Posted by Chancellor
Posted by exoskeleton_
Posted by LittleStar_II
Posted by exoskeleton_
Posted by Chancellor
Posted by exoskeleton_

i think most people get into astrology and other divination initially because they're trying to understand themselves and others, it's like a desperation move lol. i try not to take it so seriously and look at it more as understanding human nature and psychology, but at the same time, we know this shit is accurate af.

And this is where I always had the hardest time understanding why it was considered a form of evil in the ancient scriptures.

We appear to have a tool that seems to show itself as highly accurate. If God made the stars, did He give us this tool? Or has the first heaven been armed by Satan for the sole purpose of setting our expectations to magnetic pulls in the planets as an intricate weapon of mass distraction?

right. and how many references to using astrology/astronomy are there in the bible? the 3 wise men and king solomon come to mind. is this knowledge a gift or delusion, i wonder.

Astrology and religion are two sides of the same coin.

I’ve come to the conclusion at least for now (because I’m a Gemini 😋) that religion and astrology are human created sources of comfort and control to assert that something in this chaotic random universe has order and meaning.

i agree with this (sometimes lol) i too have a problem with all organized religion. like how much of these texts were revised and revised over time? how much has been used in the wrong ways for nations to gain power and control?

You're right as a whole. See, the Catholics have a monopoly on knowledge of faith, although they don't share all of it. And they also have the most organized good works and ministries. However, they do not appear to have the power of the Spirit which is frequently made manifest in Pentecostal sects. They are two different tribes worshipping God in truth. While forces of the Spirit are not restricted by denominations, it appears the differences are useful for fellowship and may be part of a grand scheme to help people go to one another. This is probably more useful than denominations arguing about who is right or not.
click to expand

thanks for sharing this. i don't lean towards any specific branch of christianity, i'd need to do more research first. but when i've read the bible, which isn't often enough, i've felt the much more self-understanding and sense of calm than when reading my chart or horoscope. so i'm very glad you brought this topic on board. smile

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