Your Sign vs God

Posted by Chancellor
Posted by exoskeleton_
Posted by Chancellor
Posted by exoskeleton_
Posted by Chancellor
Posted by exoskeleton_

we should note that atheists are also struggling or have struggled at some point with their faith/belief system and that's normal. i know a few proclaimed atheists who still pray when shit gets hard and/or their family is still religious so they still follow certain traditions. and they're not all aggressive about their atheism either.

They always pray to God when things get serious. I know a real-life mobster who got saved by being in a shootout.

sad, but we all don't spend enough time in prayer. i'm working on it myself.

I find it's harder to spend time in prayer than it is to study. That's something I must work on also.

we can start by making small changes. i have a mini bible i should carry with me and read that in spare time instead of my phone. i've heard there's some good bible apps as well with daily scriptures. have any methods or recommendations?

Why, yes! My first recommendation is that you must counter every thought with words spoken from your mouth. Have you ever noticed that when you start talking, you stop thinking? Count to 10 in your head. Now, at second #5, say "God is good."

Boom, you've just learned how to hold thoughts captive as the Bible commands us to do in the book of Philippians.
click to expand
it's true, i've noticed my thoughts and intentions have more power when spoken and written. i need to read the bible aloud more often too.

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