Trying to work things out with an ex

Posted by Ixi
Posted by christinelovessnickers
Posted by Ixi
Posted by christinelovessnickers
Posted by Ixi

The most use of the entire exercise?

It allows you to see what parts of you really need to be healed if you pay attention.

That's a really good point. Not everyone is ready to look or to heal.

Absolutely that.

Overall whether its "worth it" or not comes down to the context and situations that led them to be an ex in the first place.

Agreed, but I would also add if people are willing to also put in the work to fix it. Someone earlier made a comment that sometimes people just aren't compatible.

I mean what my experiences have taught me is that situations absolutely can be improved with "work" but there are certain intangibles of people's core disposition and patterns of behavior that are in fact incompatible with whomever you actually are that day. Incompatible with the parts of you that you have chosen, incompatible with the parts of you that you have not.

That incompatibility when recognized and honored frees you from pursuing persons who honestly cannot meet your expectations. It's mindful acceptance which allows you to love yourself and even the other person while still holding space for the reality that the person you love may not be the best person for your health and sustained growth.
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Well said.

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