Posted by Jumpin_JupiterI’m the same. We are very fortunate to be able to express. I love being moved by life ❤️Posted by LittleStar_IIPosted by Jumpin_Jupiter
On a side note. I thought the op wanted to see and hear men's opinions on this. We know you ladies cries at movies. No offense of course. As a man I cry at movies too.
Not all ladies cry at movies. Just like it’s okay for men to cry at everything.
I might as well stop frontin and come out of the woods. Yeah just about anything make me cry. But that's something I'd rather do behind closed doors. I don't know why but it make me feel weak to cry out in the open. I just can't do that. And yet everybody here don't know Im really a softie at to expand
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Posted by IsoldeThat's the story. Putting aside for the moment the fact that much of the Torah is a foundational mythology, its only half the story. After the Israelites flee captivity, and wander in the wilderness for 40 years, when they've finally been tested and deemed worthy of entering the Promised Land, they don't just cross over the Jordan and discover it. They literally are ordered to wipe out the Canaanites, among other people, who inhabit the land. Variously referred to as herem, the ban, etc. this divinely sanctioned destruction of an entire people documented in Deuteronomy, Joshua, etc., is widely considered by modern biblical scholars and theologians to be the most ethically problematic portion of the Bible. More liberal scholars regularly dismiss it entirely as ahistorical, mythological, hyperbolic, etc. for this reason (plus the fact that it doesn't according well with the archaeological record we have).Posted by MetatronPosted by bmoon8
It’s inaccurate to say Israel colonized the land of another group of people just as White Europeans have done in America, especially since the real indigenous people of the land are Jews themselves.
I have no dog in this fight whatsoever, but you've said this multiple times. I'm interested to know how you document that...Note that evidence of a certain people occupying a land in antiquity is not equivalent to them being indigenous/native to that land.
You beat me to it, was just about to say the same.
The fixation on indigenous people belonging to Israel, considering the tribe of people travelled from Egypt to flee the to expand
Posted by tizianilmaoooo....raw carrots, stale bagels, well-done steaks...Posted by Metatron
I've done a bunch of these. Not sure if its in your area but we have one here called Studio Kitchen where they will send you all the meals you need even according to a pre-selected diet plan, and that's how I did Paleo for 6 mos. straight one time. I lost about 20lbs and was shredded at the end of it. One of the best things I've ever done in my life as it showed me how possible it is to beat sugar cravings, stay away from the carbs that torment me, etc. It affected my diet permanently...
I do HelloFresh now - maybe 3 meals a week. Its solid IMO, the meals are good, ingredients are fresh and I've never had any issues with them being left out. BUT, if you don't like to cook at all, this really isn't for you. These are not pre-prepared meals that you're heating up. Its basically just someone doing your shopping for you, getting everything you need for a recipe they provide, then you do all the work. It can be as, if not more, time consuming that whatever you'd be making for yourself. I'd say the meals are even generally more complex than what the average person would prepare....
they need a Jawmaxxing prep plan for us to expand
Posted by sagaciouscorpWrong! I don't even know how to do synastry. And when I wanna analyse someone's chart I ask to post their chart first and foremost.
Oh common Hippocrates. All u here in this astrology forum have run synastry charts without permission
Posted by LittleStar_IIThanks, all the same, I’ll stay clear of it ....Posted by MyStarsShinePosted by LittleStar_IIPosted by MyStarsShinePosted by WarAngelPosted by MyStarsShinePosted by WarAngelPosted by LittleStar_IIPosted by WarAngel
Have you tried Benadryl? It's very safe.
It’s not. I walked into a door because I hallucinated it was open and almost broke my nose.
Pharmacologically, it's one of the safest drugs we've got in the tool box.
Serious side effects
Call your doctor right away if you have serious side effects. Call 911 if your symptoms feel life-threatening or if you think you’re having a medical emergency. Serious side effects and their symptoms can include the following:
decreased memory
impaired thinking
fast heartbeat
Says who?
It wasn’t for Little Star and are they just making up the side effects for fun?
He means safe in that those side effects aren’t going to happen to the majority of people not that those side effects aren’t dangerous.
....but could affect the minority?
Yeah in the scheme of things compared to say cancer chemo drugs that cause a lot of havoc or immunosuppressant drugs that can make you susceptible to other issues, it’s not going to be likely to give people side effects that can cause more harm than to expand
Posted by DonnaLibrawhy do you think so?
I think Aries and Virgo are made for each other. I see this all the time too.
Posted by Black-Mambadiana ross is an aries
Its because Virgo are so shocked at how confident Aries is when they are so wrong all the fucking time. It keeps them engaged like why the heck is this person so confident when they're so dumb. They help Virgos get some self-confidence.
Posted by LittleStar_IIIf he had been clear, than yes. But he mentioned that he wasn't specific in his op and all he said was 'I don't normally tell my birthdate'. But he told her, and didn't clarify that this sort of thing made him uncomfortable.Posted by LadyNeptune
She’s obviously invested and interested in you. Idk why that’s a bad thing when your dating her and interested in her as well.
The irony of coming to an astrology site to ask if running a chart is wrong. This thread has troll vibes all over it.
Yeah but wouldn’t respecting boundaries be the real way of showing you are interested/invested in someone?
Even if it’s not important to you if you know someone you care about has a really strong opinion on something you would want to follow that, right?
Otherwise it seems like to expand
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