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Posted by LittleStar_IIPosted by xy_sighPosted by MyStarsShinePosted by LittleStar_IIPosted by smol
Not try to judge too much but who the fuck walks with their 4 year old 6 feet behind them in a parking lot?
Exactly.....why isn't she holding his hand? 😐
The parking lot was sort empty. The thing was, the kid looked like he was carrying a heavy backpack.
Yeah I get that but kids dart around especially at that age and between the water and cars you would want to hang on to them. Just doesn’t seem normal. She’s like storming off and he’s trying to keep up. Seems like something is off.click to expand
Posted by LittleStar_II
I wonder if it was a murder suicide but she just couldn’t kill the kid.
But it’s weird because they just finished their custody battle.
Posted by CancerOnTheCuspOk. I looked it up.
"equitable distribution of these resources, and that the only way you can actually do that, is that then you have to have a political, economic system that facilitates that. And then you get into the issues of human rights, justice, economic justice, social justice, and good governance or democratic governance"
The bolded part sounds very similar to: "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs". (I won't do other's homework for them, a simple search will tell you who uses that phrase regularly).
And the latter part of the sentence that follows is vague (intentionally or not).
There are plenty of historical examples, especially from the mid 20th century, that show you where that road leads, and its generally (or generously) paved with blood, deprivation, and true human suffering.
There is even a contemporary example in Venezuela, which no one seems to want to talk about now, although the system being put in place there was lauded in the beginning until its bitter fruits became evident.
The basic fault in that paragraph you quote is a blind spot to human nature, and at the root of that fault is envy, often accompanied by hate.
I see the terms "economic justice" and :social justice" as loaded terms, and when you dig deep enough, more often than not those using those terms are promoting the practice of taking the products of one person's labor and giving it to another who has not earned it, and when done by coercion (which is the inevitable requirement to make things "just" by whatever that word means according to the whim of the day) , is essentially institutionalized theft.
I haven't looked up the author of the phrase you quote, but I will.
Posted by PinsAndNeedles
Imagine someone waiting for you to divorce/break up just to prove an argument? That's the stumbling rock no one wants to nurture.
Posted by PinsAndNeedlesYupPosted by ELIGABPosted by PinsAndNeedles
Imagine someone waiting for you to divorce/break up just to prove an argument? That's the stumbling rock no one wants to nurture.
You get me. Life's just mad dull to sit at sidelines waiting for someone to trip up your way. 😂😂click to expand
Posted by smolIn decreasing order of how much of my thoughts they occupy..
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