Learned a new thing about friendship

Posted by LittleStar_II
Posted by Whorpio

I think I definitely need to work on my own boundaries but people act like I have such an impact on their life, and get all depressed if I act distant. If I bear no attachment to them then I can easily block them. But if they’ve showed compassion to me in the past I forever feel indebted to show compassion to them even if I don’t feel it.

I’d really need a specific example but

When you are distant - what is the cause for the distance? Is it busyness or just disinterest?

Is distance a need or a coping mechanism or just the way you want to operate?

How have you communicated this to them?
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An example is someone begging me to call them everyday because they get depressed and I help them out of that depression by being the highlight of their day. That same person threatens to commit suicide if I end the friendship. Or someone telling me they really need to talk to me because they’re in a horrible mood. I believe we have the power to choose our emotions, so I get sucked into these peoples messes so I can try and teach them to look on the bright side of things so they can eventually react more independently.

The distance is usually from disinterest. I like variety and purgatory to me is just talking to the same people everyday about the same things I’ve already told them my opinion and solutions on.

I consider it a need, because I feel like I can’t breath when they are all over me on a daily basis.

Some I communicate it to directly. Like “I know you’d like to talk everyday but I have other friendships I need to nurture”. Others I just don’t respond and then a few days later tell them I was busy.

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