Does this mean the Scorpio male is done with me? Or is this silent treatment?

Posted by Ram23533
Posted by Kityyyyyyy
Posted by Ram23533
Posted by Kityyyyyyy
Posted by Ram23533
Posted by thatlibralife
Posted by Ram23533
Posted by thatlibralife
Posted by Ram23533
Posted by thatlibralife

He’s mad lol...letting you stew for a bit..he will be back..

But, cut down on tantrums or it will get old and he will eventually leave you to it..

I’m seriously working on it. I know as an Aries I have a temper and I mentioned in my apology that I shouldn’t have snapped and I’m working on my temper and I was sincerely sorry.

Yeah it’s understandable you would get upset just try to temper down on how you respond to the will work better in your favor...ime

But how can I play it from here, like I still want him to learn a lesson but I also don’t want things just to end here. I don’t want to just run back like what he did was ok, all I ask is for simple communication

Just tell him like that but calmly...not tornado style ..

That’s one thing I hate about being a Aries but I’m working on it. That’s why i apologized and said that I’m working on my temper and it was wrong of me. Would a Scorpio actually cut off contact for something like this?

Yes some of us would. Some Scorpio's are really quite sensitive and, if you get aggressive over and over with is, trust me on this, we will walk, and never look back. We don't tolerate aggression or belligerence. With some fire signs, that's just part of your make up. I personally prefer peace and love . Good luck. 🤗

This is my first time getting aggressive since knowing him, so I am getting better at controlling myself. Other than that I’m very peaceful and nice. I’ll keto the aggression in the bedroom lol we both can get quite aggressive in that area, especially him

A time and a place for everything indeed. 😁 I do understand your frustration though, I give respect always so, expect it returned equally. A valid theme through out this thread is, people suggesting that, you are not entitled to take ownership of your situationship or rather FWB's arrangement.

It's difficult not to get emotionally invested so, think long and hard about your feelings and if you can disconect because, by the sounds of it, the Scorp knows exactly how to play his cards and will do what ever he desires. Watch that little ol 💟. 😏

I didn’t think I was taking ownership of our situation. I don’t ask him what he’s doing, I don’t care if or when he has sex with other women, and in the past he has canceled and I’ll just say ok. I never asked for a reason or got upset. The only reason I snapped was cause we live in a big city with tons of traffic, we don’t live close to one another. So I was mad about the time and gas I wasted driving to meet up and he didn’t tell me he couldn’t make it. That’s it. Whenever we make plans to meet, he would text and make sure I’m coming, cause we both have busy schedules. I’m not in love or anything, just having great sex and would like to know if you have to cancel
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Alrighty then. 😁