Ladies - would you go All Out to get a guy, and give him everything?

Posted by Undine
Posted by pinkbird03
Posted by Undine
Posted by pooface222
Posted by Undine

There are some questions to help understand the situation better.

When did he divorce? Where did he live after divorce? How many years after divorce did he buy a house?

When did you divorce? Where have you been living since?

Are you two still in contact? If not, when did you break up for good.

He has been divorced since summer 2016 so 4yrs.

He is still with his partner even now. He stayed because I never left my husband. He even admitted this a month ago on the phone. He said "it was up to you to make us happen."

So Yes we are still in contact.

He came over for coffee to my new place last week.

My divorce finalised in December but i was given until mid April to move out of our 4 bed house with a lump sum and my mame taken off the mortgage.

So..He fleeced ME. I've lost my job due to gums being closed and although I got a lump sum, its not enough to buy a house and i dont even want a big one.

I bought a small 2 bed flat only 5 weeks ago.

He (ex husband), is now living in the 4 bed house by himself except when our child is with him.

Pisces is only buying his house with his son THIS WEEK!

Hope thus answers your questions.

How did he fleece you, if he gave you a lump sum big enough to buy a 2 bed flat without a mortgage? He's also paying child support and some maintenance for you, I suppose? How many decades would you have had to pay the mortgage for this flat, if it wasn't for your husband? I bought my 2 bed flat 16 years ago, and I'm still paying mortgage out of my full time job. Welcome to the real life!

I don't have any sympathy for women like you. I know your type well. When I was a child, staying at my grandma's cottage every summer holidays, my eldest aunt --a Pisces--came visit. She arrived in a car with her personal driver, at a time when cars were rarely seen in that village. She then dismissed the driver, prevented him from entering the house, and let my grandma bring him water and food. She looked wealthy, elegant, with hair and nails freshly done. She only stayed for a few hours, being too posh to overnight with us.

What was she doing during that time? Talking in an affected voice about how fucking difficult her life was! That she had to give up her job as a teacher, to raise one single spoilt brat. That all she had to do, was attending parties and visits with her Cap husband (who was the mayor of a small town) and doing--god forbid--small talk! Then she complained about her husband, who as far as I could see when they came visit together, adored her! Apparently, all that she wanted, was to teach needlecraft to school children!

She was telling all these to her hard working and less privileged sisters with full time jobs --farmer and administrator. I could see her sisters rolling their eyes and laughing out loud after she left. She survived her husband by only a few months (practically she starved herself to death), since she didn't know how to live without him.

Despite me being the spit image of her younger self (there were 45 years between us), I couldn't stand her, and so did my cousins.

Pooface is nothing like your aunt and you shouldn’t be so disrespectful to her because you’re making that connection.

Excuse me?

Read her post again. See how she complained about the privileged life she lived and agreed to.

I'm not disrespectful about my aunt, silly! It's pooface I have no respect for, since she is 10000 time worse than my aunt. My aunt didn't cheat on her husband, or pretended that she didn't know what she signed for when she got married! She didn't make his life a hell because she was too weak to divorce him and go after some lover she was obsessed with. She didn't cried "I've been fleeced" for leaving her a small fortune!

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okay and what are your mistakes and troubles in your life? No one is perfect. Why compare her to your aunt in the first place???