Posted by LadyNeptuneXx thank you..Posted by pooface222Posted by LadyNeptune
Ignore the people trying to guilt trip you for taking some of his money in the divorce. That money was owed to you, you earned it!
After all, even if it wasn't your name on the paycheck, you ran the household, cooked his meals, had his child, etc. And not to mention he willingly signed up to have a stay at home wife and was verbally abusive and controlling in not wanting you to work (aka taste freedom).
So no, you earned every penny.
Don't let others make you feel bad about your divorce settlement.
Because I guarantee if they were in the same position they would have done the same.
You gave up years of earning potential/career advancement to have his kid.
My mother is going through court rn with my stingy ass father whose trying to get out of alimony. She gave up a blossoming semi-pro career and chance for education in order to have his 5 kids, a decision they jointly made.
Whats wild is she was entitled to take 50% of earnings/equity over the 20 year period they were married.
But seeing as she's not a horrible person she only took 22% , less than half of what she was entitled to.
Now he's trying to take her to court to get out of alimony payments, money she relies on to survive as she is in her 60s and has health conditions which wouldn't allow her to work and owns a modest condo.
Meanwhile he has his million dollar house he owns outright, pension, 401k, and various savings. And I know this dude, he lives very frugally. This isn't about him not being able to pay, this is about him not wanting to pay.
I could hug you right now. So I'm sending you a virtual hug..
This is exactly what I'm trying to say about my husband. He's an absolute b****rd! Wants everything his own way! Even having a baby wasn't enough for him! He tried to take away my freedom too!
That's why I started trying to leave for this other man.
We were in love.
But he seemed to want Me to finance him while keeping his money for himself.
So i ended up with Two men treating me badly.
I just wanted my husband to stop being so controlling and horrible.
For the other guy to leave his partner and build a life with me.
But now he has bought me out of the 4 bed house and is living in it by himself. Except when he sees our child.
I have lost my job due to Covid 19 as gyms closed so now I'm job hunting until i get my classes back.
And I'm in Therapy.
She says "You've been stuck in between two weak men."
Listen to your therapist.
Cause we tend to repeat certain patterns when it comes to our partners.
The Pisces served his purpose to show you there is loving non-abusive guys out there, but he lacks the urge to provide for you.
The ex husband was cold and controlling but provided.
Neither of them are it. You can't settle for less than.
Use the Pisces for the distraction and emotional crutch while you heal if you must.
But ultimately focus on your child and getting your work and money right. The right one will come along and you'll know because he will do the most and put you to expand