Posted by TheFalangei support ghostingPosted by virgoOPPP
who cares
sometimes you just gotta ghost people
when you're just not feeling the vibe
You got G h o s t e d motherfucker!
- taurusclick to expand
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Posted by SeaLionI mean... of course there's a lot missing otherwise this would be too long for others to read. But, if you think you might be able to provide a better insight with more information (or you're just curious); here's a recap:
Seems to be a lot missing in this story but I dont expect any less from a Cancer.
Sounds like a toxic relationship.
FWB is a BAD idea since you already have feelings for this're just going to make it worse on yourself.
Posted by melinoeThank you for the paragraph structure in your post, but I'm not reading all that.Posted by SeaLion
Seems to be a lot missing in this story but I dont expect any less from a Cancer.
Sounds like a toxic relationship.
FWB is a BAD idea since you already have feelings for this're just going to make it worse on yourself.
I mean... of course there's a lot missing otherwise this would be too long for others to read. But, if you think you might be able to provide a better insight with more information (or you're just curious); here's a recap:
• Meet at a Creative Writing Afternoon Class (CWAC). I was "the new girl". Befriended a small group of people before he caught interest in me and approached.
• Hang out a couple of days. I was wary because he was know as a "womanizer"; but end up falling for him nonetheless. Started dating.
• He had a problem with the small group of people I had befriended -although, he was still somewhat polite to them. The issue being that one of the girls had "betrayed" him before (apparently rejected him) and he was sure this one guy was "ought to get him". Started asking me to keep my distance from them because "they would just hurt me" and we would soft-argue about it.
• A guy friend started being flirtatiousness with me (like: in a joking way). I turned him down and asked him to stop (he did) but Scorpio guy held me somewhat accountable for "allowing it" to happen in the first place. Ended up cutting all ties with this guy friend.
• Scorpio guy started saying one of the guys from the small group of people was trying to seduce me just to bother him. Mind you, this guy was gay, never spoke ill to me about Scorpio guy and I was doing anything in my power to reassure Scorpio guy I only had eyes for him. We became "official" shortly after that.
• Stopped all contact with small group of people; but then, he also didn't like that I would go to the CWAC when he couldn't attend, so I stopped going at all. I complied because I too much into his love-bombing to think straight.
• Found out he had been two-timing me and a girl from that small group of people (she was the one who told me). Confronted him, he didn't deny it; I did not stick around for an explanation. Went No-Contact for a short time and found support on friends (including the small group of people from the CWAC). Eventually, I crumbled and went back to him.
• We spoke, he insisted he wanted to give us a second chance and I asked him to come clean. He "didn't want to talk about it" because "the past is the past" and insisted I just "let go of it". He also said he was deeply sorry about it. I was still under his love-spell and agreed to try again; but found it extremely hard to move forward without fully knowing what happened, if he remained in contact with her, etc. During this time, he also blamed me for "trusting them over him" and "not giving him the benefit to explain himself". Said he couldn't trust me after I did that and that I would have to prove to him he could confide in me again.
• We started "casually-exclusively dating". I stopped talking to most friends, left the CWAC and spent most of my day reassuring him he could trust me. I invested in him so much emotional support that I failed to notice I was in need of it too. Whenever I reached out to him with my fears or thoughts about the past repeating itself; he would lash out in frustration and tell me he didn't want to talk about it because it hurt him too. Eventually, I forced myself to shut up about it.
• Then I found out he had been lying over a couple of other things, including: Going out on a date with an ex-lover, and having been flirting (more so than guy friend had been with me) with another girl during the time we were boyfriend/girlfriend. Confronted him about it, he accepted the fault and said he would stop all contact with the ex-lover and that the thing with the other girl had been "nothing serious". Told me I had to trust him, like fully trust him... also mentioned he was even less trustful about me because I had "gone behind his back". This was all on Social Media; and while I admit I wasn't a saint, all I wanted was the truth because I've spent weeks chasing him while all he did was say I was "suffocating" him -but then complaining I was probably "cheating" if I gave him too much space.
• I admit that, after learning he had lied to me, I briefly returned to the friends I had abandoned because I felt sincerely devastated and could barely cope with it all by myself.
• My birthday came a while afterwards and he forgot about it. Next day, I sort of mentioned it (very casually; no accusations) and all he said was "Oh, happy late birthday". I understand not everyone is big on birthdays, but I would expect someone that has a crush on you to at least apologize for forgetting. I won't lie; this hurt me badly and probably was a turntable for me.
• Next month I was a mess. He got busy at work and I started giving him space -A LOT of space- focusing on myself. I started getting restless that the relationship was stuck, there was hardly any intimacy (kisses, hugs) and yet, I was still expected to accept all his "requirements" for "being with him" -like: not joining any afternoon classes, avoiding clubs with guys, don't go out drinking too late at night, befriending his friend but also keeping my distance from them, etc. I wouldn't have minded so much if I at least felt that he cared about my loneliness, but whenever I physically searched for him he kept saying he just wasn't "feeling the closeness". I honestly don't know why I stayed with him during that month. I was emotionally burned out... I remember one night asking myself: What does this guy give me that it's worth all this suffering? Couldn't find an answer.
• All along he kept saying he didn't want to lose me and how much he wanted to "recover the spark we had lost". I never really lost the spark, so I just felt I was waiting for it to regain it while also being the one who had to light it up for him again. I was feeling very insecure during this time but whenever I spoke up about it, he would immediately say I was in the wrong and to just stop it. I understand he was probably tired of my emotions, but he did little to try to make me feel safe; while I did everything I could think of, to make him feel confident that I was 100% fighting for us. He also had a downfall with an old female friend with whom I connected and who encouraged me to put my wants first. He "forbid" me to speak to her because she had betrayed him.
• At some point I simply backed off completely from him -like: I would not longer initiate, stopped waiting for his call, no longer searched for him, etc. This prompt him to start suspecting that there was "something going on" with me. I was acting "weird", he announced, and butter me up into "opening" myself to him. I asked him if he was ready to start a formal relationship, as by then we've been just casually meeting up (exclusively, I guess, I mean I was and so did he said but I had no way of knowing for sure). He replied with "no" to the relationship; and "I'm yours if you're mine" to the second part. Then, shortly after, pulled back again because "he still couldn't fully trust me."
• I lost it. I'm not gonna sugar coat it. I went ballistic. I caught smoke that he was cheating on me again and accused him without proofs. He got angry. Really angry. He kept defending himself saying he had been nothing but truthful; and I didn't really have any evidence to support otherwise. Still, I couldn't bring myself to believe him and the fight spread for three days until eventually I realize, I was just fighting out of spite and hurt-ego. And being the Cancer I am, I closed every romantic emotion towards him because the pain became unbearable. It was not worth it, not anymore, so I told him I trusted him because I would rather trust than keep thinking so low about me that some would even consider cheating on me. He wasn't happy with this way of thinking and, of course, told me he couldn't trust my words. But I didn't really cared anymore -at least, not the way I used to. In his words "my heart wants you, but my mind can't bring itself to trust you".
• Then, he fully backed out because, searching for "evidence", I had briefly joined another CWAC and, therefore, broken my promise to him.
• That was at the beginning of this month. At first, I thought maybe things would sort out by themselves. But after we had sex in between one of the blow-outs; all I remember was wondering if he was just doing it to shut me up about it. I think he was, but I am honestly tired of chasing the truth.
• Anyway, I told him I was done with us. He insisted he wanted me to stay and try it again, although he couldn't but he wanted it. I accepted it because, hell, I can be stupid sometimes; but we went from a kiss in the forehead a day, to <>. Finally realized he was either letting me go or just playing me; and I did not deserve this. Hence, this post.
Because the truth is that he still holds on to me and does small gestures, and gives me all of his free time, etc. But I am tired of having to prove myself to him; of hearing him say he doesn't trust me and yet expecting me to cut everyone out of my life, while reserving himself the right to do what he wants. And it wouldn't such a problem except that I feel I am being stringed to expand
Posted by Wildd_FloNot moody?Posted by MyStarsShine
Hope he doesn't have Scorpio moon
That combo = over emotional and sensitive...
Um... that’s my husband and actually total opposite. Pretty stoic.
Scorpio rising Pisces sun Scorpio moonclick to expand
Posted by TheFalangeSshhhh don't change the subject.Posted by LadyNeptune
Are you looking for candidates who will date you?
Smart move, don't waste your time on girls who are looking for men taller than you. Know your options.
😂😂 How tall is your bf btw?click to expand
Posted by akitu![]()
Posted by TheFalangeWell I'm taller than you, and he's taller than me... so I'll let you do the math herePosted by LadyNeptunePosted by TheFalangePosted by LadyNeptune
Are you looking for candidates who will date you?
Smart move, don't waste your time on girls who are looking for men taller than you. Know your options.
😂😂 How tall is your bf btw?
Sshhhh don't change the subject.
We are trying to find a woman who will accept your short stature.
I applaud your effort. Keep your chin up man...
Meh not looking for someone, how tall is your bf?click to expand
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