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Posted by SoulShe’s in Canada?Posted by MyStarsShinePosted by SoulPosted by MyStarsShinePosted by Soul
There is only one person I'd listen to witch house with, get high af, then watch funny cat videos. True love right there 🖤
Black Phase?
Indeed. She is one of the few dxpnet ladies I contemplated actually meeting irl, but never had the nerve to make the trip. Nowadays I look like I've lost my mind, and just piss off all the people who thought I might be interesting 😆
Aahh shame. Are ye in the same country and are you still in contact?
No we haven't spoken in years. Also not in the same country, which made it even more intimidating for me.
I kind of get nervous when people seem like they might be into me, especially if I equally like them and find them attractive. I'm really hard to understand, and even harder to live with. I have all kinds of issues. Trust, anger, substance abuse, and stubbornness to list a few. I don't want to plague people I deeply like irl with well, my problems lol. Which likely makes no sense, but its a fear I've felt all through life.click to expand
Posted by akituPosted by IsoldePosted by BlueStarPosted by IsoldePosted by BlueStar
There there... more watery landscape
Please. I need more. 🥺
Let’s see what I can scrape together
Wow you really ruined that 😂click to expand
Posted by TheSagShucks I don't know man. These bad habits got me all fucked up. I just gotta have my brew and chew. Otherwise I'll pitch a hissy fit.Posted by Jumpin_JupiterPosted by TheSagPosted by Jumpin_JupiterPosted by TheSagPosted by Jumpin_Jupiter
Leo moon on the other hand I wanna say they rather spend most of their time bullying rather than pump iron.
It probably builds more muscles for them that way ^^
All Virgos I know lift weights and take steroids
All Sags I know lift without steroids
All Cancers and Geminis I know lift regularly
I've rarely ever seen a pisces, taurus, aqua or scorpio near the gym
Libras are so and so
I don't know about libra sun's but libra risings get lazy as they grow older. I don't know how the rock do it. He's still at it.
And laughing my ass off at it probably builds more muscles for them that way.
Well, I have barely missed any gym session in the last 3 years, unless I was sick or went on one of my secret missions abroad. The Rock is a Libra rising too? Well, I guess steroids and $ 100 Mio a year do wonders for your motivation.
Yeah he's a libra rising. I don't know what he take but I know it's gotta be something motivating him at his ripe middle age.
I took steroids, pills and needles, but stopped all together. I even used to abuse all those muscle building candy bars and bulk force to get to where I'm at right now.
Now I'm just a fat old redneck fart who basically does nothing but drink beer and chew tobacco. I might be fat but I still got my gains.
Why don't you quit drinking beer though? My dad used to drink it every day but I never understood that. All beer does for me is making me take a piss every 20 minutes. lolclick to expand
Posted by Dread_Pirate_PhantaWhat’s her username now?Posted by SoulPosted by MyStarsShinePosted by SoulPosted by MyStarsShinePosted by Soul
There is only one person I'd listen to witch house with, get high af, then watch funny cat videos. True love right there 🖤
Black Phase?
Indeed. She is one of the few dxpnet ladies I contemplated actually meeting irl, but never had the nerve to make the trip. Nowadays I look like I've lost my mind, and just piss off all the people who thought I might be interesting 😆
Aahh shame. Are ye in the same country and are you still in contact?
No we haven't spoken in years. Also not in the same country, which made it even more intimidating for me.
I kind of get nervous when people seem like they might be into me, especially if I equally like them and find them attractive. I'm really hard to understand, and even harder to live with. I have all kinds of issues. Trust, anger, substance abuse, and stubbornness to list a few. I don't want to plague people I deeply like irl with well, my problems lol. Which likely makes no sense, but its a fear I've felt all through life.
Ya know, she's still around...click to expand
Posted by Jumpin_JupiterReally 2 times only? I could never hold in. I remember my dad couldn't pee easily at all. The problem with alcohol is it fucks up your stomach, amongst other things. The stomach is basically our heart, everything you feel like anger, fear, nervosity and all that goes through your stomach first. And drinking won't do you any favour.Posted by TheSagPosted by Jumpin_JupiterPosted by TheSagPosted by Jumpin_JupiterPosted by TheSagPosted by Jumpin_Jupiter
Leo moon on the other hand I wanna say they rather spend most of their time bullying rather than pump iron.
It probably builds more muscles for them that way ^^
All Virgos I know lift weights and take steroids
All Sags I know lift without steroids
All Cancers and Geminis I know lift regularly
I've rarely ever seen a pisces, taurus, aqua or scorpio near the gym
Libras are so and so
I don't know about libra sun's but libra risings get lazy as they grow older. I don't know how the rock do it. He's still at it.
And laughing my ass off at it probably builds more muscles for them that way.
Well, I have barely missed any gym session in the last 3 years, unless I was sick or went on one of my secret missions abroad. The Rock is a Libra rising too? Well, I guess steroids and $ 100 Mio a year do wonders for your motivation.
Yeah he's a libra rising. I don't know what he take but I know it's gotta be something motivating him at his ripe middle age.
I took steroids, pills and needles, but stopped all together. I even used to abuse all those muscle building candy bars and bulk force to get to where I'm at right now.
Now I'm just a fat old redneck fart who basically does nothing but drink beer and chew tobacco. I might be fat but I still got my gains.
Why don't you quit drinking beer though? My dad used to drink it every day but I never understood that. All beer does for me is making me take a piss every 20 minutes. lol
Shucks I don't know man. These bad habits got me all fucked up. I just gotta have my brew and chew. Otherwise I'll pitch a hissy fit.
Drinking beer won't make you have to pee so much if you drink the right kind. I'm drinking right now as I'm typing this and been drinking pretty much throughout the day and only peed like 2 times.click to expand
Posted by _DazedLmao B if it was a terrible date and they suck and I know I’ll never see them again hahahah you’re bad but this is hilarious shit
..until after you've dropped your load at your crush/partner's place.
What do you do?
A. Throw it out the window.
B. Hide it in the toilet tank.
C. Mush it down the sink/tub drain.
D. Toss it in the trash bin.
F. Leave it.
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