Stop using "gay" as an insult..

Posted by aquarius_man_

It was out of excessive love for the LGBTQ community that the OP was posting pics of another DXP user on the front page the other day, in the comments section. Parading 'Carlos' around in a futile attempt to troll me seemed like paki-bashing. So, I guess it's safe to say OP is a closet homophobe . As for the other one, the female support secretary , she's just clueless. She erroneously thinks that being politically correct means shoving your opinions down everyone's throat. That's a form of fascism, intolerance and policy of thought. OP and the woman are hypocrites.

I guess our DXP duo should be more like this, gay as in gay Paree :

You're pjxscott?

If not, you're post above means shit. It also means you're not an aqua.